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The Stork and The Fox| Moral story

Short Story — The Stork and The Fox with Moral:


In the old days, a stork and a fox were neighbours. They were friends. One day, the fox decided to play a prank on his neighbour. So the fox invited his friend the stork to dinner. The stork cleaned her feathers and arrived at the fox’s house.

‘Welcome, my friend! It is so good to have you in my humble dwelling,” said the fox. ‘Dinner is ready and I was wafting for you before I served it’.

Now the cunning fox just wanted to laugh at the stork. So he served a watery soup in a broad and flat dish. The poor stork, who had a long beak could not eat the soup while the fox made a very good meal by lapping it up until the dish shone.


'I am so sorry you did not like your dinner,' said the fox. 'You have hardly eaten any of it.' The stork was very hungry but too polite to say anything. Now the stork understood that the fox playing a prank on her. So she thanked the fox and invited him to dine at her place the very next day. The fox accepted. 

The next day, the fox brushed his fur, combed his tail and cleaned his whiskers. He skipped happily all the way to the stork's house hoping to eat a good dinner, for the stork was a good cook.

‘My dear fox,' said the stork, 'I am so glad you are on time. I have cooked a stew with big, juicy pieces of meat in it.' The fox licked his lips. The stork went into the kitchen and came out with a vessel with a long and narrow neck. The stew smelt delicious. Now it was the turn of the fox to be fooled.

'Shall we start?' asked the stork. She thrust her long beak into the vessel and to out the pieces of meat, eating her fill. The fox had to content himself with licking the gravy that ran down the sides of the vessel when the stork dipped her beak in.

‘Have you had enough ? Isn’t the meat tasty?’ asked the stork. 

‘Oh yes, indeed it is !’ replied the poor fox. He could not find fault with his hostess because she had only done to him what he had done to her.  Thus the clever fox was paid back in the same coin. 

Moral : Tit for tat.


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