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5 best Moral Stories for Class - V to Class - X with Morals

No. - 1


On a hot summer day, a crow became very thirsty. It flew about in search of water but found no water anywhere. Finally, it saw a pitcher and flew down to drink water. But the water was lying low at the bottom of the pitcher. It tried again and again to reach the water but all in vain.

The crow became disheartened. But after thinking a lot an idea flashed into its mind. The crow saw some little pebbles near the pitcher. It then dropped them into the pitcher one by one. After some time the crow found that the water level had risen enough to drink from it. The crow drank to its heart’s content and flew away.

Moral : Where there is will, there is a way.

No. -2 


An old farmer had three sons. They often quarrelled among themselves. So, the farmer had no peace of mind. Then he hit upon a plan. One day he bought a bundle of sticks and said to his sons, “My sons, let me see who amongst you is able to break this bundle all by himself.” They all tried hard, but nobody could break it. Then the farmer untied the bundle and asked them again to break the sticks. Now they broke the sticks separately. The farmer smiled and said to his sons, “You see the strength of unity. If you live together, nobody can harm you.”

Moral : Unity brings prosperity.

No. - 3


One day, two friends were walking by a jungle. A bear suddenly appeared at some distance before them. The friends became very much afraid and one of them immediately climbed up a nearby tree leaving the other in danger. The other friend did not know how to climb up a tree. So, seeing no other alternative, he lay down on the ground as if he was dead. Then the bear came up to him, smelt his face and went away thinking him to be dead. Normally the bear does not touch anything dead. He was saved that time. Then the selfish friend came down from the tree and said to him, “What did the bear whisper into your ears ?” His friends replied, “Do not trust a friend who leaves you in danger.”

Moral : A friend in need is a friend indeed.

No. - 4


One day a hare met a tortoise and laughed at his slow pace. At this the tortoise was very much offended. He then challenged the hare to run a race. The hare at once excepted the challenge. The race began one morning. The hare ran very fast and went much ahead of the slow-paced tortoise who was plodding far behind. The hare was overconfident of his victory. So, he thought of taking a short nap on the way. He lay down and fell fast asleep. In the meantime the tortoise did not stop at all and came near the goal. Now the hare woke up and ran very fast towards the goal. But the tortoise had already reached the goal.

Moral : Slow and steady wins the race.

No. - 5


One day a wolf was eating meat very quickly. By chance, a bone got stuck in his throat. He felt a great pain. He tried his best to pull the bone out but all in vain. Then he asked every animal he met to help him. But none came to his help. At last, he went to a crane and said, “Will you please pull out the bone with your long beak ? If you do, I’ll give a good reward.” The crane agreed immediately and pulled out the bone from the throat of the wolf. He got a great relief. Now the crane asked him for the reward. At this, the wolf became very angry and said, “You are lucky that I haven’t bitten your head off. Is this not your reward enough ? Get away from me.” The crane left the place without a word.

Moral : Never believe a rogue.


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