In a brorder sense, the word ‘environment’ refers to everything that surrounds us. It includes living beings like plants and animals and non-living components like air, water, and soil. Environment pollution refers to the degradation of air, water, and soil by mixing certain harmful and undesirable pollutants in them. Man has been interfering with nature's systems in one way or the other. As a result, the environment is polluted and it has endangered all life on earth. Nature creates an ecosystem. But we disturb the balance.
Air Pollution:
In the first place, there is air pollution because of smoke, gases, dirt, moisture, unsteady temperature, and so on. Smoke from the chimneys of factories, exhaust emissions for automobiles, dirt and dust, and garbage pollute the air. Another major cause of air pollution is the burning of wood and coal in the household cooking. The reckless cutting of trees to construct buildings, roads, and industries has intensified air pollution. Moreover, nature is being continually poisoned and made ugly by the smudges of foundry smoke. There are nuclear explosions that infect the air with poisonous chemicals.
Water Pollution:
Water is polluted by the unceasing discharge of industrial effluents, sewage disposal, oil discharges from ships and machine-controlled boats. Apart from these, chemical garbage, plastic packets and dead animals thrown in the river pollute water.
Soil Pollution:
The ground we walk on is polluted by uncollected garbage and chemical waste soaked in soil. Apart from these, extensive use of fertilizers like insecticides, herbicides used for the protection of crops contaminate the soil.
Noise Pollution:
Noise pollution is one of the biggest issues that city-dwellers constantly encountered. It is the source of extreme irritation and is caused by industry, road traffic, construction and public works, electrical gadgets, microphones, crackers and so on. Indiscriminate and inordinate use of all these have caused noise pollution.
Environmental pollution has disturbing effect on human life, and on animals. It leads to physical ailments and mental disturbances. It can cause asthma, skin rashes, tuberculosis, gastroenteritis etc. Gas and other discharges from the factories, smoke, and dust make life unpleasant and insecure. We all the Bhopal Gas leak. We have gained much by industrialization, but environmental pollution poses a threat to life.
Climatic changes occur due to pollution. Animals cannot live comfortably due to deforestation and noise pollution. Smoke affects the eyes, throats and lungs. Soil pollution causes less production of crops. Noise pollution can lead us to deafness and other physical disabilities. Water pollution has threatened the existence of marine life.
Steps Taken:
Environmental pollution has to be checked. It does not mean that industrialization could stop and the use of science and technology would be suspended.
On the contrary, science and technology should be applied for checking the pollution of air, water and atmosphere. The advanced countries have taken a number of measures for controlling pollution. They use smokeless fuel.
Measures are being taken to stop gas leakage through innovative technological devices and anti-pollution equipment. Smoke and dirt of industrial towns have to be diverted through suitable devices. Noise from the electric horns of the automobiles has to be minimised.
Afforestation is given priority. Plant life and animal life are being given security and comforts. It is important to maintain ecological balance for keeping the environment pure.
It is not impossible for the underdeveloped and developing nations to the meet huge expenditure involved. Developed countries must come forward to assist all nations to tackle this problem.
An all-out effort through proper planning should be made to resist pollution of air, water, soil, and atmosphere. Humanity can not survive in an environment pollution. Environment must be made clear and free so that men, plants, and animals can live with good heath and sound mind.
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