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Short Questions from the story “Thank You Ma’am”

⦿⦿ All Important Short Questions from the story “Thank You Ma’am” written by Langston Hughes


➣➣Answers the following questions, each in a complete sentence:

Q. 1: What did the purse of the woman contain ?

Ans:  The purse of the woman contained everything except hammer and nails.

Q. 2: What was the name of the boy who tried to snatch the bag ?

Ans:  Roger was the name of the boy who tried to snatch the bag.

Q. 3: Why did Mrs. Jones want to wash Roger's face ?

Ans:  Mrs Jones wanted to wash Roger’s face because his face was dirty.

Q. 4: Why did sweat pop out on the boy’s face ?

Ans:  While Roger was trying to snatch the purse of Mrs Jones, he was caught by her. She dragged him behind her and then threatened him that when she would get trough with him, he would remember her name. Hearing this, sweat popped out on the boy’s face.

Q. 5: Where did Luella take the boy in ‘Thank You Ma’am’ ?

Ans:  In ‘Thank You Ma’am’ Luella took the boy to her Kitchenetle- furnished single room.

Q. 6: Where did Mrs. Luella Bates turn the boy loose ?

Ans: Mrs Luella Bates turned the boy loose in front of the sink of the kitchen.

Q. 7: What was the price of the cake the boy was given a part of in ‘Thank You Ma’am’ ?

Ans:  The price of the cake the boy was given a part of in ‘Thank You Ma’am’  was ten-cent. 

Q. 8: Why didn’t Mrs. Jones want to take the boy to jail ?

Ans: When Mrs Jones caught the boy red-handed, she wanted to teach him a lesson not by handing him over to the police but by providing love and care. So, she didn’t want to take the boy to jail.

Q. 9: What is half nelson related to ?

Ans: Half-nelson is related to wrestling. It is a kind of wrestling hold in which a wrestler places an arm under the opponent’s arm from behind and gives pressure with the palm on the back of the opponent’s neck.

Q. 10: Describe the appearance of Roger when Mrs. Bates caught him ?

Ans:  When Mrs Bates caught Roger, he was dressed in blue jeans and tennis shoes and he appeared to be a boy of fourteen or fifteen, frail and willow-willd.

Q. 11: What were the parting words of Roger to Mrs. Luella Bates ?

Ans: Roger only managed to say “ Thank You” as parting words to Mrs Luella Bates.

Q. 12: What did Mrs. Luella Bates do after she reached her door ?

Ans: When Mrs Luella Bates reached her door, she dragged the boy inside, down a hall and into a large kitchenette-furnished room at the rear of the house. Then she switched on the light and let the door open.

Q. 13: At what time and how was Mrs. Luella Bates returning home ?

Ans:  It was about eleven o'clock at night  when Mrs Luella Bates was returning home alone.

Q. 14:  What happened as the boy tried to snatch Mrs. Bates' purse from behind ?

Ans:  When the boy tried to snatch Mrs Bates' purse from behind, the strap of the purse broke and the boy's weight and the weight of the purse combined cause him lose his balance and fell on his back on the sidewalk.

Q. 15: How did the boy know that he and Mrs. Bates were not alone in the large house ?

Ans: The boy could hear other roomers laughing and talking in the large house and some of their doors were open too, so he knew that he and Mrs Bates were not alone in the large house.

Q. 16:  Where did the woman drag the boy to ?

Ans:  The woman dragged the boy inside, down a hall, and into a large kitchenette-furnished room at the rear of the house.

➣➣Last Years Questions | HS Final Examination:

Q. 1: Why did Roger want to snatch the large purse of  Mrs. Jones ? HS - ’15

Ans:  Roger wanted to snatch the large purse of Mrs Jones for buying a pair of blue suede shoes.

Q. 2: What were there behind the screen in Mrs. Jones’s room ?  HS – ’15

Ans:  In Mrs Jones’ room, behind the screen, there was a gas plate and an icebox. 

Q. 3: Where did Mrs. Jones work ? HS - ’16

Ans: Mrs Jones worked in a hotel beauty shop.

Q. 4: Where did Rodger fall on losing his balance ? HS – ’16

Ans:  Roger fell on the sidewalk on losing his balance.

Q. 5: What was the full name of Mrs. Jones ? HS- ’17

Ans:  The full name of Mrs. Jones was Mrs Luella Bates Washington Jones.

Q. 6: According to Mrs. Jones, how old was the boy ? HS- ’17

Ans:  According to Mrs. Jones, the boy was around fourteen or fifteen years old.

Q. 7: What advice did Mrs. Jones give to Roger at the end of the story ? HS – ’18

Ans: At the end of the story, Mrs Jones advised Roger that he should never try to get things by wrong means and should behave himself, as things earned by dishonest means never bring peace to anyone.

Q. 8: What did Mrs. Luella Jones ask the boy to pick up ? HS - ’18

Ans: Mrs Luella Jones asked the boy to pick up her pocketbook.

Q. 9:  When and where did Roger and Mrs. Luella Bates Washington Jones meet ?  HS – ’19

Ans:  About eleven o’clock at night, by the sidewalk, Roger and Mrs. Luella Bates Washington Jones meet.

Q. 10: What shoes and jeans was Roger wearing ? HS - ’19

Ans: Roger was wearing blue jeans and tennis shoes.

Q. 11: What lesson of his life did Roger learn at the end of the story from Mrs. Jones ? HS – ’20

Ans:  At the end of the story, Roger learned from Mrs Jones was to behave himself.

Q. 12:  Why did Mrs. Jones call the boy a liar ? HS - ’20

Ans:  Mrs Jones called the boy lier because he said that he had not aimed to snatch her purse.

➣➣Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

Q. 1:  Why did the woman not ask Roger anything ?

Ans:  The woman did not ask Roger anything about his background because she did not want to embarrass Roger by such question.



Click 👉Short questions with answers from Strong Roots written by A. P. J. Abdul Kalam


Click 👉Short questions from “Three Questions


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Unknown said…
Why did Roger no want to be mistrusted
Namita Tutorial said…
The brief encounter with Mrs. Jones Changed Roger's life completely and she taught him the difference between right and wrong. Roger was moved by the affection she showed. He was charged. He understood that achieving something through hard work is much more satisfying than obtaining it by illegal means. So, he did not want to be mistrusted.

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