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Short questions from “Three Questions

Three Questions |Leo Tolstoy

Important short type questions with answers

➢➢Answer the following questions:

Q. 1: What did the Tsar proclaim throughout his kingdom ?

Ans: The Tsar proclaimed throughout his kingdom that whoever could answer his three questions would receive a great reward.

Q. 2: Why did the Tsar decide to consult the hermit ?

Ans: Being dissatisfied with the answers of the learned men of his kingdom, the Tsar decided to consult a certain hermit because he was widely known for his wisdom.

Q. 3: What did the Tsar see when he reached the hermit’s hut?

Ans: When the Tsar reached the hermit’s hut, he saw the hermit digging the ground in front his hut and the Tsar also saw that the hermit was frail and weak, and each time he stuck his spade into the ground and turned a little earth, he also breathed heavily.

Q. 4: What answer did the learned men give to the first question of the Tsar?

Ans: To the first question of the Tsar, the learned men gave various answers, some said — one must draw up in advance, a table of days, months, and years, and must follow it strictly. Others said that one must be up-to-date with the recent happenings and not remain engaged in idle pastimes to decide the right time. Some suggested a council of wise me to help the Tsar to fix the proper time for everything, other advised the Tsar to consult magicians.

Q. 5: What answer did the learned men give to the second question of the Tsar?

Ans: To the second question of the Tsar, some said the necessary people were the Tsar’s councillors; others, the priests, others, the doctors; while some said the warriors were the most necessary.

Q. 6: What answers did the learned men give to the third question of the Tsar ?

Ans: To the third question of the Tsar, some learned men said science, a few others said skill in warfare and others said religious worship was the most important thing to do.

Q. 7: Why was the hermit famous ?

Ans: The hermit was famous for his wisdom.

➢➢Last Year’s Questions | HS Final Examination:

Q. 1 : Where did the Tsar asleep ? HS - ’15

Ans: The Tsar fell asleep on the threshold of the hermit’s hut.

Q. 2: What was the hermit doing when the Tsar came to visit him ? HS – ’15

Ans: When the Tsar came to visit the hermit, he was digging the ground in front of his hut.

Q. 3: Why did the man want to take revenge ? HS - ’16

Ans: The man wanted to take revenge because the Tsar had previously executed his brothers and seized his property.

Q. 4: Whom did the hermit receive ? HS - ’16

Ans: The hermit received none but the common people.

Q. 5: Where did the hermit in ‘Three Questions’ live ? HS - ’17

Ans: In ‘Three Questions’ the hermit lived in a wood.

Q. 6: Which part of the body of the bearded man was injured in the story ‘Three Questions’ ?HS - ’17

Ans: In the story ‘Three Questions’, the part of the body of the bearded man that was injured was his stomach.

Q. 7: How did the Tsar meet the hermit? HS —‘18

Ans: As the hermit received none but common folk, before reaching the hermit’s hut the Tsar put on simple clothes, got off from his horse his bodyguard behind went to the wood alone to meet the hermit.

Q. 8: Why did the Tsar put on simple clothes before meeting the Hermit? HS’ — 18

Ans: The hermit received only common folk. So, to keep his real identity a secret, the Tsar put on simple clothes.

Q. 9: What according to the hermit, is the most important thing to do? HS —‘19

Ans: According to the hermit, the most important thing is to do good to that person with whom we are at present.


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