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The Thief and His Mother : Moral Story

Using the given outline develop a story. Add a moral and a title.

Points: a small boy—once stole a pen and took it to his mother —she did not scold him—he again stole a book—his mother was indifferent—he continued like this—gradually became a thief— one day was caught in the act—was taken for public execution— mother crying—the thief wished to tell his mother something in her ear—bit off her ear—when rebuked he replied that if his mother punished him when he first stole, he would not have died a disgraceful death.


Once, there was a small boy who lived with his mother. He was rather a naughty kid. One day he stole a pen from his classmate and took it home to his mother. His mother saw the pen but did not scold him for stealing. A few days later he again stole a book from another of his classmates and took it home. This time too, his mother did not take any action to rectify her son. The boy developed a habit of stealing. One day, he was caught stealing money from a classmate. At this point, his mother was summoned and told about her son's bad habit. She remained indifferent to the complaint, and as a result the boy was expelled from school.

Naturally, the boy grew up to be a notorious thief. He cleverly avoided getting caught. But one day this thief too, was caught red-handed. He was produced in front of the judge who ordered him to be executed publicly. On the day of the execution, he was led to the execution ground. His mother followed him along with the crowd that was gathering to witness a thief being punished. She beat her breast and wailed in grief.

On reaching the execution ground, the executor asked the thief whether he had any last wish. To that, the thief said, "l wish to say something to my mother...but I want to whisper it in her ears." The mother, on hearing this, came close to her son. The thief leaned forward, but when he brought his lips to his mother's ear, he seized it with his teeth and bit it off. His mother, screaming in pain, upbraided him for being an unnatural human being. It was then that the thief replied, "Mother, if you had rebuked and punished me when I stole for the first time then I should not have grown to be a thief and shouldn't have led myself to such a disgraceful death."

Moral: Spare the rod and spoil the child.


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