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The Cat | Question Answer | Class -X

Andrew Barton Paterson

Question – Answer

1. What is the cat fond of?

Ans: The cat is font of ease and cares little for anything but mice and milk.

2. How does the guest behave with the cat?

Ans: Instead of giving the cat some food, the guest stoops down and strokes the cat.

3. What does the family think of the cat?

Ans: The family thinks that the cat is sweet and intelligent.

4. What does the guest want to do the cat?

Ans: The guest wants to kick the cat out of the window.

5. How does the cat look keenly from side to side and move noiselessly?

Ans: The cat looks keenly from side to side and moves noiselessly because he has many enemies— dogs and small boys with stones.

6. How does the cat cross the fence?

And: The cat springs to the top of the fence and drops lightly down to the other side.

7. What are the cats often blamed for?

Ans: Cats are often blamed for being more fond of their home than of the people in it.

8. What will the cat do if allowed?

Ans: If the cat is allowed, he will stay at the old house and attach himself to the new tenants.

9. How long does the cat watch a mouse hole?

Ans: The cat watches a mouse hole for an hour or two just to keep himself from dying of boredom.

10. How has the author described the cat’s physical fitness?

Ans: According to the author, the fat is an athlete, an acrobat and a grim fighter.

11. What does the cat do when the family finishes tea?

Ans: when the family finishes tea, the cat casually goes out of the room.

12. What does the cat do to pass the time?

Ans: To pass the time away the cat sometimes watches a mouse-hole for an hour or two.

13. What does the cat do when the family sits down to tea?

Ans: When the family sits down to tea, the cat purrs noisily and rubs himself against the legs of family members.

14. Who is the cat particularly civil to?

Ans: If there is a guest at the table the cat is particular civil to him.

15. Why is the cat civil to the guests?

Ans: The cat is particularly civil to guest because he knows that the guests will be offered the best food available.

16. How does the cat called kindred?

Ans: Dropping his head nearly to his paws, the cat sends across a call to his kindred.

17. What does the cat do before giving a call to his Kindred?

Ans: Before giving a call to his kindred the cat stretches himself a few times to see if every muscle is in full working order.

18. How does the behaviour of the cats change with the setting of the sun?

Ans: The cats no longer remain the meek creatures who mew for fish and milk. They become grim fighters with the setting of the sun.


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