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TEST-3 Page 115 Class V The New Grammar Tree - ICSE Board

The New Grammar Tree | Class V | Page 115

A) Change the voice from active to passive or passive to active:

1. One day, a summer flood washed him out of the burrow.
Ans: One day, he was washed out of the burrow by a summer flood.

2. Some man had stolen her bicycle.
Ans: Her bicycle had been stolen (by some man).

3. The Rat recovered the boat.
Ans: The boat was recovered by the Rat.

4. The teacher was astounded by the wisdom of the tiny girl.
Ans: The wisdom of the tiny girl astounded the teacher.

5. Gopalan has told me the entire story.
Ans: I have been told the entire story by Gopalan.
Or, The entire story has been told to me by Gopalan.

6. The child may be bitten by the mongoose.
Ans: The mongoose may bite the child.

7. They took her to the nearest village.
Ans: She was taken to the nearest village by them.

8. The police asked him to write down what he had lost.
Ans: The police asked him to write down what had been lost by him.

9. Nothing at all was said by him.
Ans: He said nothing at all.

10. Have you answered all the questions?
Ans: Have all the questions been answered by you?

11. Miss Honey took a deep breath.
Ans: A deep breath was taken by Miss Honey.

12. A man dinning at the hotel found a fly in his stew.
Ans: A fly in his stew was found by a man dinning at the hotel.

13. A fire burnt the house down.
Ans: The house was burnt down by a fire.

14. Read all the notices carefully.
Ans: All the notices should be read carefully.

15. The room was filled with smoke.
Ans: Smoke filled the room.

B) Each of the following sentences is a question with words jumbled up. Rearrange the words and use punctuation marks, as required, to form questions which make sense:

1. built/ was/ the Taj mahal/ when
Ans: When was the Taj mahal built?

2. tea/ how /prepared/is
Ans: How is tea prepared?

3. who/ dinner/ to / coming/ is
Ans: Who is coming to dinner?

4. you/ tired/ feeling/ are/ now
Ans: Are you feeling tired now?

5. Piku/ isn’t/ why/ studying
Ans: Why isn’t Piku studying?

6. name/ your/ sister’s/ is/ what
Ans: What is your sister’s name?

7. the/ why/ football match/ cancelled/ was
Ans: Why was the football match cancelled?

8. doesn’t/ why/ work/ clock/ the
Ans: Why doesn’t the clock work?

9. to arrive/ is / the train/ when/ supposed
Ans: When is the train supposed to arrive?

10. how/ money/ to spend/ you / much/ do/ want
Ans: How much money do you want to spend?

C) Fill in the blanks to form meaningful questions:

1. Who is ringing the bell?

2. How far is Delhi from Kolkata?

3. When did he go to his office yesterday?

4. Why are you not going to school today?

5. Which of the computers can I use to draw some pictures?

6. What can you do to stop him from making such a mistake?

7. How old is your elder brother?

8. To whom should I complain if the car breaks down again?

9. Why is the dog barking at this time of the night?

10. When did it start raining last night?

D) Turn the following statements into questions using a wh – word as directed.

1. They switched on the lights. (Use why)
Ans: Why did they switch on the light?

2. Someone has stolen the money. (Use who)
Ans: Who has stolen the money?

3. The first Test match will be played somewhere. (Use where)
Ans:  Where will the first Test match be played?

4. These books belong to somebody. (Use whose)
Ans:  Whose books are these?

5. She met somebody this morning. (Use whom)
Ans: Whom did she meet this morning?

6. He came back home at ten o’clock last night. (Use when)
Ans: When did he come back home last night?

7. She gave him something on his birthday. (Use what)
Ans: What did she give him on his birthday?

8. He liked the song sung by the young boy. (Use which)
Ans:  Which song did he like?

9. He went home by bus. (Use how)
Ans:  How did he go home?

10. He invited four of his friends to the party. (Use how many?)
Ans: How many of his friends did he invite to the party?


Techoooo said…
Thank you for sloving this... Its help me very much... Keep it up

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