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Three men and a bag of money: Moral Story

Sample - 1
Develop the following outline into a short story in about 150 to 200 words. Give your story a suitable title.

Three thieves steal a purse of gold — agree to divide the gold among themselves—one of them goes to buy food — puts poison in the food — meanwhile, the other two decided to kill him — he is killed on his return — the poisoned food eaten by the other two.



Once upon a time there lived three thieves in a village. They were so marked in the village that common people of the village became suspicious of them. So it was almost impossible for them to carry on their stealing operation in and around their locality. 
Naturally they were out of work. Out of frustration they hit upon a plan and went to the nearby town where nobody knew them. There they stole a purse of gold from a wealthy merchant’s chamber and took shelter in a distant forest. Weary of long journey they felt terribly hungry. They found nothing to eat. So they decided to send one of them to a nearby village for buying food for them. 
One of them readily agreed and set out in search of food while the other two remained in the forest to take care of the purse of gold. The thief that went out reached a food stall and finished his lunch. He bought food for the rest two who conspired to kill him to divide the gold between them two. 
On his way to the shelter in the forest he thought, “I’ll add poison to the food and become the owner of the purse.” So he mixed poison with the food and returned with joy. 
As soon as he reached with food they pounced on him and killed him instantly. Being very hungry they ate food and died. As soon as he reached with food they pounced on him and killed him instantly. Being very hungry they ate food and died. As a result, nobody could enjoy the stolen wealth.

Moral : Geed ruins one and all.

Sample – 2
Expand the following outline into a story ( In about 100 words)

Three men find a bag of money — they decide to divide the money — all hungry — one send to buy food from the market — this man plans to have all money himself — so poisons the food and comes back — the other two want all the money — so they killed him — then they eat the poisoned food — both die



Once upon a time, there lived three men in a village. They were very poor. So they decided to go to the city to earn money. When they were walking through the forest, they found a bag of money. They decided to divide the money equally among themselves. Since all the three had been walking , they all felt hungry. So one of them was sent to a nearby market to get food while the others remained their keeping a watch over the bag.
The one who was sent to bring food had several thoughts in his mind about the bag of money. He said to himself, “How about I kill those two and get the money all to myself. I will be even more rich!” So he decided to poison the food and killing them. While here in the forest the other two had the same plan of murdering the one who had been sent to buy food.
Soon the friend who was sent to get food came back. The two friends murdered him and were very happy thinking that the money was all theirs. One of the two said, “ Why don’t we first enjoy the food and then divide the money between ourselves”. The second one agreed and they sat under a tree and unpacked the food. But as soon as they ate the poisoned food, they both were also died immediately. All the three had lost their lives. They would have been living a good life if their mind was not attacked by greed.

Moral : Grasp all, lose all.

Thank you
God bless you all….


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