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For Part A


★The eyes have it (6 Marks) 

1."Few girls can resist flattery"- Who said this? What was the flattery? What was the reaction of the person  spoken to?  1+2+3 

 2. "Yes, this is the best time, I said calling on my memories"- Who said this and to whom? What was the occasion of the remark? What did he say after calling on his memories?1+2+3 

3. "She had beautiful eyes, but they were of no use to her,"- Whose eyes are mentioned here? Why were the eyes useless to her? Bring out the irony of the situation. 


4. "Then I made a mistake."- what 'mistake' did the speaker make? Why was it a 'mistake'? What removed the speaker's doubts? What did the speaker do then?  1+2+1+2 

 5. “You have an interesting face,” — Who was the speaker? Who had an interesting face? Why did the speaker make the comment? How did the person spoken to, react? 1+1+2+2

★ Strong Roots (6 Marks) 

1. Where did Kalam live? Describe the locality where Kalam lived?  1+5 

2. “Our locality was predominantly Muslim” - who is the speaker? How does the speaker describe the locality? What picture of communal harmony do you find in this description? 1+3+2 

3. “I normally ate with my mother,”- who ate with his mother? Name his mother. Where did he eat with his mother?  What did he eat with his mother?  1+1+2+2 

4. Describe the daily routine of Kalam’s father. Add a comment on it.  3+3 

5. How did Jainulabdeen’s spirituality influence Dr. Kalam? 

★Three questions (6 Marks) 

1. How did the Tsar find out the answers is his three questions? 

2. What was the first question of the Tsar? Discuss the answer which he got to his question? 2+4 

3. Why did the Tsar go to the hermit? Why did he go there in disguise? What was the hermit doing when the Tsar met him?  2+2+2 

4. What were the questions that had occurred to the Tsar?  Why did he need correct answers to those questions?  What did he do when he was not satisfied with the answers of the learned men?  3+1+2 

5. What answers did the hermit give to the king's questions? 


★Asleep in the valley (6 Marks) 

1. “The humming insects don't disturb his rest.” - Who rests and where? What puts him to rest?  Why can't the insects disturb his rest? 1+1+1+3  

2. “In his sight there are two read holes.” - Who has two red holes in his side? What does the expression ‘two red holes’ signify? What attitude of the poet to war is reflected here? 1+2+3 


3. How does the poet express the futility of war through his poem ‘Asleep in the valley?’ -  What message does he want to convey? 4+2 

4. Write a note on Rimbaud’s treatment of Nature in “Asleep in the valley”. 

5. Describe where and how does the soldier lie in “Asleep in the valley”. 


★Shall I compare Thee to a Summer’s Day? 

1. What type of poem is ‘Shall I compare Thee to a Summer's Day’?  Who is the poet?  Whom does the poet speak of?  What does the poet say about the person spoken of? 1+1+1+3 

2. What does the poet mean by ‘the eye of heaven’?  How does the poet justify that the eternal Summer of his friend will never fade?  2+4 

3. What do the “rough windy” do? What does the phrase ‘summer leare’ suggest?  What are the deficiencies of the summer season?    1+2+3   

4. What does the poet want to compare his friend to?  Does he think the comparison is apt?  If not, why not?            2+2+2 

5. “But thy eternal summer shall not fade.” -  Who is the poet? What is meant by ‘thy eternal summer’?  How does the poet suggest that ‘thy eternal summer’ shall never end?      1+1+4 


★The poetry of earth 

 1. What is the central idea of the poem, „The poetry of earth‟? / Substance 

2. What pictures of the two seasons does Keats draw in „The poetry of Earth‟? How are the two pictures related? 

3. Identify the voices of poetry in the poem, ‘The poetry of Earth’. How does Keats establish community through this voice? 

4. What does Keats say about the music of earth in summer? 


★The proposal (6 Marks) 

1. Why did Lomov decided to get married? Whom did he want to marry and why? 3+1+2 

2. “Go there merchant came for his goods,” - Who said this to whom? Who is the merchant? In what ways does it bring out the attitude of the person and the society at that time? 2+1+1+2 

3. Describe the character of  lomov. 

4. Discuss the reasons why the marriage proposal was important to all the characters in the Play, The Proposal. 

 5. Describe the quarrel over the hunting dogs. 


★Report Writing 

1. Write a report on the spread of the pandemic and the measures taken by the government. 

2. On seminar organized by a club on cancer awareness. 

3. On the natural disaster ‘Amphan’ / ‘Yaas’ and its after effects. 

4. Inter school debate competition. 

5. On water crisis in India. 

6. On bicycle distribution in your school. 

★Letter Writing  

 1. Letter to your friend how you have dealt with the Covid-19 situation and the lockdown period. 

2. Letter to your head mistress for repairing of toilets updating the library for cleaning and sanitizing the  Classroom / permission to change your subject. 


3. To the editor regarding the increasing Cyber crimes - use of crackers during festivals your views on education situation during pandemic learning through digital media how the covid warriors handle the situation risking their lives and family. 


4. Business letters. 

• Delayed order of your book. 

• Postponing the order you have undertaken. 

• Bank application for opening an account. 




Anonymous said…
Thank you for sharing this suggestion.👌👌👌

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