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Summary | Twelfth Night | Shakespeare

Twelfth Night | William Shakespeare

Class - XI |WBCHSE


Sebastian : A young gentleman of Elysium.

Viola : The twin sister of Sebastian and the lady of Messalina.

Cesario : Viola’s disguising name.

Orsino : Duke of Illyria.

Olivia : Extremely beautiful and charming lady of a late count.

Antonio : Captain of the ship who saved Sebastian from shipwreck.
Twelfth Night William Shakespeare


Sebastian and his sister Viola were identical twins. Sebastian was a young man of Elysium and his sister  was the lady of Messalina. At the coast of Illyria, they got separated from each other as a result of a violent storm followed by the shipwreck. The captain of the ship managed to rescue Viola but Sebastian couldn’t not be found.
Viola was sure that her brother was drowned. So she began to mourn for her brother’s death but the captain tried to console her that he had seen Sabastian catching hold of a strong mast when the ship split up.

Viola was much console by the captain’s account. But she was worried about her safety in an unknown land and she also began to think what she should do to earn her living in this unknown land till he finds her brother. She came to know that the country Illyria and Orsino was the ruler there. The captain told her that Orsino sought the love of Olivia. Olivia was the daughter of s dead count and her brother was in charge of her protection. But when her brother was died, Olivia mourned deeply abjured the sight and company of men.
Viola who was undergoing through the similar pain of losing her twin brother felt pity and sympathy for Olivia. So she further wished that she would serve the lady. But the captain told her that Olivia had decided not to admit anyone in her house. Even the Duke himself was not allowed.

The Viola thought to serve Orsino, in disguise of a page as women were not allowed into his court. Viola gave some money to the captain and told him to bring some clothes, exactly the same colour and fashion as her brother lost brother. The captain promptly made the necessary arrangements and Produced Viola in the name of Cesario in the Duke’s court.
The Duke was greatly charmed by the beautiful appearance of the handsome young man. Soon Cesario (disguising name of Viola) became the Duke’s most favourite attended. Orsino told Cesario the whole story of his love for Olivia. Orsino sent him to Olivia’s house because the Duke felt that Cesario understood women better than him and believed that Cesario was capable of unfolding to Olivia the passion of his love.
In the meantime, Cesario had fallen in love with Duke Orsino and Olivia in turn fell in love with Cesario. Here the plot led to a new level.

However, Cesario returned to the Duke’s palace and told him the negative result of his mission.  He also reported that the Duke should disturb Olivia no more. Orsino did not get disappointed and his heart lingered a hope that Cesario’s persuasion would win Olivia’s heart. So the Duke ordered him to see her the next day. 

When Cesario made his second visit to Olivia, he had no difficulty in entering the room. Olivia received him warmly and expressed her love for Cesario. Hearing this, Cesario was in strange position. He hurriedly left the place declaring that he would never visit her again to plead for Duke’s love.
On the other hand, Antonio, the captain of the ship, arrived in Illyria with Sebastian. Antonio had saved Sebastian from the shipwreck. From then onwards they shared a special bond of friendship. On reaching Illyria Antonio even gave his purse to Sebastian for purchasing anything and sent him to meet the Duke. But Sebastian did not return at the scheduled time, so worried Antonio went search for him.

On his way back, Cesario was challenged to a duel by a rejected suitor of Olivia. Incidentally Antonio came across Viola dressed as Cesario in the midst of a duel and mistaking her to be Sabastian, saved her.
Antonio was arrested at that moment for an past offence.  Antonio then claimed from Cesario the purse that he had given to Sebastian. But Viola (Cesario) denied it. Now Antonio was taken away to the prison. By chance Olivia came upon the true Sebastian. She thought his as Cesario and invited him to her house. There Sebastian and Olivia got married. Then Sebastian went out in search of Antonio.

In the meantime, Orsino with Cesario came to visit Olivia. Antonio was brought before him. He Claimed Cesario as the youth he had rescued from the sea in his dying condition. On the other hand, Olivia charged Cesario as her husband. The Duke felt deeply hurt at the turn of events. At that moment the actual Sebastian arrived and cleared up the confusion. The Duke realised Cesario’s love for him, and they were married.

Thus the twin brother and sister were both married on the same day. The identical twins got reunited with. Now, Viola was the wife of Duke Orsino and Sebastian the husband of the rich lady and nobel countess, the Lady Olivia. 

★Thank you..


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