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Questions with Answers | The comedy of errors

The Comedy of Errors
William Shakespeare

Comedy of Errors Shakespeare

★Descriptive / Analytical Questions:

Question : How did Aegeon find out his family members?

Answer : Aegeon was a wealthy merchant of Syracuse. He had twin sons, twin slaves and a loving wife. Aegeon lived in happily. But Aegeon could not enjoy happy family life long. In a tempest, their ship had wrecked and he was separated from his wife, the elder son and the elder slave. The younger son and the younger slave were with him. But when they grew adults, they  went on a search for their missing relatives. 

Seven years rolled by. Now Aegeon lost all hopes of their comeback. So, he himself was out to find them and eventually came to Ephesus. Here he was arrested for trespassing the law.

The Duke was moved to pity on hearing the sad tale of Aegeon. But he could not go against the law of the land. So, the Duke postponed his immediate death and gave him a day more to collect the fine. But the place was unknown to him and there was none in Ephesus to help him. So, he could not pay the ransom and he was sent to jail.

Surprisingly enough, all his lost relatives were in Ephesus at that time. His lost son, the elder Antipholus was in high rank position in Ephesus. The elder Dromio ( elder slave) lived with them. On the other hand, the younger Antipholus and his slave younger Dromio had come to Ephesus to search for their missing family members. 

Now a great confusion arose in Ephesus. Adriana, the goldsmith, and other people of the land confused with the twin brothers and the twin slaves. The mistaken identity was the sole cause of all confusions. The situation went to such a pass that Adriana approached the Duke to ask for justice.
The elder Antipholus too met the Duke for the same purpose. At that moment the Abbess came out of the convent with Antipholus younger.

Earlier the Duke heard the story of Aegeon’s misfortune. So, the Duke immediately understood the problems and declared both the Antipholus to be the twin sons of Aegeon. Aegeon too recognized his wife. She was none other than the Abbess of the convent. 
Thus after all confusions cleared out. Aegeon got back all the family members of his family. All of them began to live in Ephesus in peace and happiness.

Question: What danger did Aegeon face in Ephesus?

Answer: Syracuse and Ephesus were two neighbouring states. But there was a deep animosity between the two states. Hence, there was a cruel law in the state of Ephesus, stating that no merchant of Syracuse was allowed in Ephesus, if a merchant of Syracuse was seen in Ephesus, he would either pay a heavy fine or be put to death.

Aegeon, an old merchant of Syracuse, knew the law of the land. But he lost all hopes of life. And he could not but come there as he had already searched every nook and corner for his missing son in vain. Here he was arrested and brought before the Duke of Ephesus. But Aegeon had no money to pay the fine. So, Aegeon was given death sentence as a rule. But before giving the sentence, the Duke asked him to tell the story of his and the reason for his being in Ephesus.

Aegeon narrated the sad story of his life and told the reason why he had come to this country. On hearing the story, the Duke was moved. He felt pity for Aegeon but it was not his power to alter the law of the land. So, instead of condemning him instantly, he gave him one day to try to pay the fine either by begging or borrowing money from someone.

As Aegeon knew none in Ephesus, he could not get any help from anyone and could not pay the fine. So, he was counting his few last hours of life in jail. These are the dangers faced by Aegeon in Ephesus.

★ Some important short questions with answers :

Q. 1: Name the two states mentioned in ‘The Comedy of Errors’ that were enemies with each other?

Ans: The states of Syracuse and Ephesus were enemies of each other.

Q. 2: Who was the maker of cruel law at Ephesus?

Ans: The Duke of Ephesus was the maker of the cruel law at Ephesus.

Q. 3: Why was Aegeon brought before the Duke of Ephesus?

Ans: Aegeon was brought before the Duke of Ephesus as he belonged to Syracuse and entered Ephesus.

Q.4: What was the cruel law that prevailed in Ephesus?

Ans: The cruel law that prevailed in Ephesus was no merchant of Syracuse was allowed to be seen in Ephesus. If anyone entered, he would be put to death unless he paid a thousand marks for the ransom of his life.

Q. 5: Who was Aegeon?

Ans: Aegeon was a wealthy and prosperous merchant of Syracuse.

Q. 6: Why had Aegeon no fear to die?

Ans: Aegeon had no fear to die as deep sorrow had made him weary of his life.

Q. 7: What did Aegeon's son hear when he arrived at Ephesus?

Ans: On arriving at Ephesus Aegeon’s son heard about a man of Syracuse who was in jail for breaking the law of the land.

Q. 8: Why did not Aegeon’s son come to help his father in danger in Ephesus?

Ans: Aegeon’s son did not come to help his father in danger in Ephesus because he did not know that the victim was his father.

Q. 9: Why was Aegeon separated from his wife and the eldest son?

Ans: Aegeon was separated from his wife and the eldest son because they faced with a violent storm on the sea.

Q. 10: Why did Aegeon come to Ephesus?

Ans: Aegeon came to Ephesus in search of his youngest son and his slave.

Q. 11: What were the name of Aegeon’s two sons?

Ans: Aegeon’s had two twin sons and they were called Antipholus.

Q. 12: Where did Aegeon’s eldest son live?

Ans: Aegeon’s eldest son lived in Ephesus.

Q. 13: Who was Adriana?

Ans: Adriana was the wife of eldest Antipholus and a rich lady of Ephesus.

Q. 14: Who was Abbess?

Ans: The Abbess was actually the wife of Aegeon.

Q. 15: Who was Luciana?

Ans: Luciana was the sister of Adriana.

Q. 16: Why did Aegeon can not pay the fine?

Ans: Aegeon could not pay the fine he had no money with him.

Q. 17: Why did the Duke take pity on Aegeon?

Ans: On hearing the account of Aegeon’s misfortunes and in consideration of his great love for his lost son, the Duke took pity on Aegeon.

Q. 18: How was Antipholus of Ephesus separated from his mother?

Ans: The fishermen who saved the life of Antipholus and his mother sold him to Menaphon and thus he was separated from his mother.

Q. 19: How long did eldest Antipholus live in Ephesus?

Ans: The eldest Antipholus had been living in Ephesus for long twenty years.

Q. 20: Why was Antipholus arrested?

Ans: Antipholus was arrested as the goldsmith brought against him the charge of the non-payment for the gold chain.

Q. 21: Where did Antipholus of Syracuse take shelter?

Ans: Antipholus of Syracuse took shelter in the convent of the Abbess.

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