In the story ‘Thank You Ma’am, Mrs.’ Luella Bates Washington Jones plays the lead role. At the beginning of the story, she seems strict. But when we analyze Mrs. Jones’ character, we see that she is a fearless, trustful and courteous woman. She is a working lady but she too has to work hard to earn her bread and butter. She is not judgmental and helps in reforming Roger (another central character of the story) without expecting anything in return.
Characteristic Features of Mrs. Luella Bates:
At the beginning of the story, she catches a young, named Roger who tries to steal her purse. Instead of handing him over to the police, she takes the boy home. Here, we see how perceptive she is. She decides to teach the boy some valuable life lessons in honesty.
Then we see Mrs. Jones’ mother-like affection towards the boy. Mrs. Jones makes him wash his face, comb his hair to make him look presentable, and gives him food to eat. This positive and motherly attitude moves the boy greatly. Here she is different from an ordinary woman.
Then, She wants to know why he tries to steal the purse from her. The boy tells that he wants ten dollars to buy blue suede shoes. Instantly, Mrs. Luella Bates realises that poverty is the reason of almost all wrong doing and gives him ten dollars to buy his coveted suede shoes. Such an incredible act of generosity is aptly followed by her friendly, good piece of advice to the boy that he should prohibit himself from any kind of misdeed.
She is quite straightforward and she realises that the boy is not a born thief but a mere victim of circumstance. She knows it from her own childhood experience that the sense of loss and deprivation pushes even an innocent mind towards an evil act. So, she advises the boy that achieving something through hard work is much better than gaining it by unfair and illegal means. Mrs. Jones wanted to teach the boy by presenting the example of her own life. This shows that the thought process of Mrs. Luella Bates is quite different.
The universal power of love and faith, the importance of a person’s behavior, and how to give dignity to the common man are revealed through the character of Mrs. Jones.
By reviewing Mrs. Johns’ character traits, we also understand that – ‘Hate sin, not sinner.’ Here, the prime example is Roger - who has been able to come to the right path through the motherly affection of Mrs. Jones.