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Showing posts from May, 2021

Environmental Pollution : Essay writing

Introduction: In a brorder sense, the word ‘environment’ refers to everything that surrounds us. It includes living beings like plants and animals and non-living components like air, water, and soil. Environment pollution refers to the degradation of air, water, and soil by mixing certain harmful and undesirable pollutants in them. Man has been interfering with nature's systems in one way or the other. As a result, the environment is polluted and it has endangered all life on earth. Nature creates an ecosystem. But we disturb the balance.  Air Pollution: In the first place, there is air pollution because of smoke, gases, dirt, moisture, unsteady temperature, and so on. Smoke from the chimneys of factories, exhaust emissions for automobiles, dirt and dust, and garbage pollute the air. Another major cause of air pollution is the burning of wood and coal in the household cooking. The reckless cutting of trees to construct buildings, roads, and industries has intensified air pollution.

Essay Writing : ‘Hobby’

Introduction: Everyman has a particular profession to follow. He is a creature of routine. He has to attend to his family, his office, and do various sorts of work to maintain the standard of his family. He is busy from morning to night. The monotony of work makes him dull and bored. He feels that he must have some pursuit other than his main professional work. He will do it out of his instinctive desire and he will not crave for any return for it. It will be a passion rather than a profession for him. This is called hobby. Hobby, therefore, means doing anything for the sake of innocent pleasure. It is an interesting pursuit that one follows one’s routine activity. It makes our leisure hours interesting and joyful. Stamp-collection, collection of books, photography, painting, fishing and gardening are some of the hobbies of man. A Brief Discussion about Hobby: Gardening is the best hobby for a man. It is a very hard job to maintain a garden. It requires the mind and the muscles for gro

Bring out the significance of the title ‘Leela's Friend’

➤Title Leela and Sidda are the two main characters of R. K. Narayan's short story Leela's Friend. Leela is a single child of Mr. and Mrs. Sivasankar. She is five years old. Sidda is the servant of Leela's house. He is taken into the house to wash clothes, tend the garden, run errands, chopping wood, and looking after Leela.  He performs all his duties responsibly.  After few days, a good friendship grows between Leela and Sidda. They play together. He tells her various wonderful stories to put her to sleep. Sidda with his power of imagination creates a make-believe world for Leela, the proof of which we find in the moon episodes of the story. Sidda introduces his imaginative world to Leela to keep her happy.  Leela in an attempt to share her world with Sidda tries hard to teach Sidda, but he is no adept at learning. However, as the story progresses we see that Leela always wants to get close to Sidda. He is deeply heart when he is removed.  But their friendship does not las

What kind of a woman is Mrs. Luella Bates Washington Jones

Introduction: In the story ‘Thank You Ma’am, Mrs.’ Luella Bates Washington Jones plays the lead role. At the beginning of the story, she seems strict. But when we analyze Mrs. Jones’ character, we see that she is a fearless, trustful and courteous woman. She is a working lady but she too has to work hard to earn her bread and butter. She is not judgmental and helps in reforming Roger ( another central character of the story ) without expecting anything in return. Characteristic Features of Mrs. Luella Bates: At the beginning of the story, she catches a young, named Roger who tries to steal her purse. Instead of handing him over to the police, she takes the boy home. Here, we see how perceptive she is.  She decides to teach the boy some valuable life lessons in honesty. Then we see Mrs. Jones’ mother-like affection towards the boy. Mrs. Jones makes him wash his face, comb his hair to make him look presentable, and gives him food to eat. This positive and motherly attitude moves the boy

Compare and contrast the personalities of Sir Mohan Lal and Lady Lal

Compare and contrast the personalities of Sir Mohan Lal and Lady Lal, especially the way they conduct themselves at the railway station. Answer:   In the short story Karma , Sir Mohan Lal and his wife Lachmi are completely opposite in personalities and characters. Sir Mohan is a proud and arrogant. He is a barrister by profession. He has a degree from Oxford University and speaks English fluently like an Englishman. He has  practised English etiquette and culture in a refined manner. He always hate Indians. According to Mohan Lal, British Culture and tradition is far superior to that of India. He thoughts that Indians are dirty, inefficient and indifferent. The hatred for his native land is the humiliation to the country. This is an act of self-humiliation too. When Sir Mohan is inside the waiting room, his wife sits upon the trunk outside. He gets illusioned with his dress and fineries. But he has no qualms of conscience for his wife. From this feature of Sir Mohan Lal we can understa

Summary | Twelfth Night | Shakespeare

Twelfth Night | William Shakespeare Class - XI |WBCHSE Characters : Sebastian : A young gentleman of Elysium. Viola : The twin sister of Sebastian and the lady of Messalina. Cesario : Viola’s disguising name. Orsino : Duke of Illyria. Olivia : Extremely beautiful and charming lady of a late count. Antonio : Captain of the ship who saved Sebastian from shipwreck. Summary : Sebastian and his sister Viola were identical twins. Sebastian was a young man of Elysium and his sister  was the lady of Messalina. At the coast of Illyria, they got separated from each other as a result of a violent storm followed by the shipwreck. The captain of the ship managed to rescue Viola but Sebastian couldn’t not be found. Viola was sure that her brother was drowned. So she began to mourn for her brother’s death but the captain tried to console her that he had seen Sabastian catching hold of a strong mast when the ship split up. Viola was much console by the captain’s account. But she was worried abou

The significance of the title of the story, “The Comedy of Errors”.

The Comedy of Errors William Shakespeare The main part of the literature is its title. Because the content of that literature is hidden in the title . An accurate title inspires any reader about the content of that literature. So the title always needs to be accurate to attract the mind of the reader. If the title does not match with the content, it can create confusion in the mind of the reader and can also lose attention to that particular content. Therefore, to maintain the beauty of the content of the literature and to attract the readers, a beautiful, simple and universally understandable title of that particular content essential. Today we will explain the significance of the title of the Shakespeare’s famous comedy-drama, “The Comedy of Error”. >>Let’s start: Question: Explain the significance of the title of the story, “The Comedy of Errors”. Answer:  ‘The Comedy of Errors’ is a fine amusing story. It’s title is an invitation to the world of comedy announcing the pla

Questions with Answers | The comedy of errors

The Comedy of Errors William Shakespeare ★Descriptive / Analytical Questions: Question : How did Aegeon find out his family members? Answer : Aegeon was a wealthy merchant of Syracuse. He had twin sons, twin slaves and a loving wife. Aegeon lived in happily. But Aegeon could not enjoy happy family life long. In a tempest, their ship had wrecked and he was separated from his wife, the elder son and the elder slave. The younger son and the younger slave were with him. But when they grew adults, they  went on a search for their missing relatives.  Seven years rolled by. Now Aegeon lost all hopes of their comeback. So, he himself was out to find them and eventually came to Ephesus. Here he was arrested for trespassing the law. The Duke was moved to pity on hearing the sad tale of Aegeon. But he could not go against the law of the land. So, the Duke postponed his immediate death and gave him a day more to collect the fine. But the place was unknown to him and there was none in Ephesus to he

Asleep in the valley | Arthur Rimbaud

Asleep In The Valley Arthur Rimbaud The Text A small green valley where a slow stream flows And leaves long strands of silver on the bright Grass; from the mountain top stream the Sun’s Rays; they fill the hollow full of light. A soldier, very young, lies open-mouthed, A pillow made of fern beneath his head, Asleep; stretched in the heavy undergrowth, Pale in his warm, green, sun-soaked bed. His feet among the flowers, he sleeps. His smile Is like an infant’s — gentle, without guile. Ah, Nature, keep him warm; he may catch cold. The humming insects don’t distrub his rest; He sleeps in sunlight, one hand on his breast; At peace. In his side there are two red holes. About the Poet: Arthur Rimbaud was born on October 20, 1854 at Charleville in provincial France. His full name was Jean Nicolas Arthur Rimbaud. His parents were Frederic Rimbaud and Marie Catherine Vitalie Cuif.  He was brilliant student. He began to write poetry at the age of 15. When he was sixteen, he left his family and c

Literary terms — Sonnet

Sonnet Sonnet is a lyric poem consisting of a single stanza of fourteen iambic pentameter lines linked by an intricate rhyme scheme.  The term ‘sonnet’ is derived from the Italian word Sonata. It synonymous word is ‘Sonnetto’ , diminutive of ‘Suono' . Suono means sound. It is also connected with the early Italian verb Sonare meaning ‘to play upon instrument’. There are two major patterns or rhymes in sonnets written in English language: 1. The Italian or Petrarchan sonnet:- Italian sonnet has two parts, octave and sestet. The right lines of the octave contain two quatrains, the rhyme-scheme is abba abba and the six lines of the sestet are divided into two tercets and the rhyme-scheme is cdcdcd or cdecde .  Petrarch’s sonnets were first imitated in England, both in their stanza form and their subject— the hopes and pains of an adoring male lover — by Sir Thomas Wyatt in the early sixteen century. Tue Petrarchan form was later used, and for a variety of subjects, by Milton, Words

The snail | William Cowper

The Snail William Cowper Text To grass, or leaf, or fruit, or wall  The snail sticks close, nor fears to fall As if he grew there, house and all,                                                        Together. Within that house secure he hides When danger imminent betides Of storm, or other harm besides       Of weather. Give but his horns the slightest touch, His self-collecting pow’r is such, He shrinks into his house with much Displeasure. Where’er he dwells, he dwells alone, Except himself has chatells none, Well satisfied to be his own Whole treasure. Thus, hermit-like, his life he leads, Nor partner of his banquet needs, And if he meets one, only feeds The faster. Who seeks him must be worse than blind, (He and his house are so combined) If, finding it, he fails to find Its master. About the Poet: William Cowper (1731-1800) was one of the renowned English poet of his times. Cowper changed the direction of 18th century nature poetry by writing about everyday lives of the people

Sea Fever | John Masefield | Questions Answers

Sea Fever John Masefield   Topics: ✓  Substance of the poem. ✓ All important questions and answers. Substance: John Masefield, being a sailor, enjoyed the loneliness and quit environment of the sea. In the poem ‘Sea Fever’ the poet expresses a strong and eternal desire of the human being to know the unknown and to travel and explore the beauty of the nature. The poet is determined to go down the seas again, and for that he needs a tall ship and a star to guide in the darkness of night. He will be pleased by the wheel’s kick, the wind’s song, and the white sail’s shaking when a grey mist on the sea’s face will be seen at the time grey dawn breaking. The poet must go down the seas again as he could not deny the wild and the clear call of the running tide. The poet asked for a windy day with white clouds flying. He wanted to see the foamy waves and listen to the cry of Sea-gulls. The poet wanted to go down the sea again to enjoy the life of a vagrant gypsy. The poet wanted to experience w