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Short Questions with Answers from the poem Brotherhood

  Important short questions: Brotherhood 

Q. 1:-  What does the word ‘Brotherhood’ suggest?

Ans:-  The word ‘Brotherhood’ suggests that everything in the universe is organically related.

Q. 2:-  Whom does the poet dedicate his poem, ‘Brotherhood’ ?

Ans:-  The poet dedicates his poem, ‘Brotherhood’ to Claudius Ptolemy who was a Greek astronomer and mathematician from ancient Rome.

Q. 3:-   What time of the day is mentioned in the poem, ‘Brotherhood’ ?

Ans:-  Night time is mentioned in the poem, ‘Brotherhood’.

Q. 4:-  What do ‘the star’ symbolize ?

Ans:-  ‘The stars’ symbolizes the cosmic force that shape our life and control the human world.

Q. 5:-  What is the full name of the poet of this poem ?

Ans:-  The full name of the poet of this poem is Octavio Paz Lozano.

Q. 6:-  What does the poet think about his life ?

Ans:-  The poet thinks that his life is short and his destiny is pre-determined.

Q. 7:-  In this poem there is a contrast between two things. What are they?

Ans:-  The two things are universe and man.

Q. 8:-  Why is the night enormous?

Ans:-  The night is enormous because it represents the whole universe.

Q. 9:-   “Unknowing I understand” — What does the poet mean by this expression?

Ans:-  By this expression the poet says that human life is merely a small span in the continuity of time and that life's purpose is determined by the stars.

Q.10:-   By which poet was Octavio Paz much influence ?

Ans:  Octavio Paz was much influenced by the South American poet Pablo Neruda.

➣➣Last Years Questions | HS Final Examination:

Q. 1:-   “Unknowing I understand” — What does the poet understand ? HS - ’14, ’18

Ans:- The poet understands that his destiny is pre-determined.

Q. 2:- Who do the stars control in the poem, ‘Brotherhood’ ? HS - ’14

Ans:-  In the poem ‘Brotherhood’ the stars control the whole universe, as well as the human world.

Q. 3:- What does the poet see when he looks up in the poem ‘Brotherhood’ ? HS - ’15, ’17

Ans:- When the poet looks up, in the poem ‘Brotherhood’, he sees the stars writing his destiny.

Q. 4:- Who, according to Octavio Paz, writes the destiny of man ? HS - ’15, ’17

Ans:- According to Octavio Paz, the stars write the destiny of man.

Q. 5:- In ‘Brotherhood’, what does Octavio Paz mean by “Little do I last” ? HS - ’16

Ans:- The expression means that human life is very short on this earth.

Q. 6:- What do the stars write ? HS - ’16, ’20

Ans:- The stars write the destiny of man.

Q. 7:-  How is the night in ‘Brotherhood’ ? HS - ’18

Ans:- In ‘Brotherhood’ the night is enormous.

Q. 8:- How does the poet introduce himself in the poem ‘Brotherhood’ ? HS - ’19

Ans:- In the poem ‘Brotherhood’, the poet introduces himself as a simple man and earthly life is temporal.

Q. 9:- Who spells out the poet's destiny ? HS – 19

Ans:- The reader of the poem spells out the poet’s destiny.

Q. 10:- What does the expression “Little do I last” refer to? HS - ’20

Ans:- The expression reflects the sheer insignificance of human existence against the enormity of night which also connotes the cosmos.


Click below to know more 👇

👉 Meeting at Night| 🔥Robert Browning, all important Short Question and Answers, class - XI

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