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Descriptive/ Analytical questions with answers from the short story KARMA | Khushwant Singh

••Long Questions with Answers : Karma

Q.NO. – 1:-  Give a brief description of the appearance Of Lady Lal. (XI - ’ 15, ’18)

Ans:- Lady Lal is a native woman. She is short, fat and in her mid-forties. She is dressed in a dirty white sari with a red border. She wears a diamond nose-ring and several gold bangles in her arms. But due to her rustic nature she carries a brass tiffin carrier with cramped chapattis and mango pickle. She is illiterate and unsophisticated and loves to gossip. She wipes her hands and face with the loose end of her sari. She can start starting with a coolie or an ordinary bearer without hesitation. She doesn’t care for the refined social customs. Lady Lal is always ignored by her husband. But she does not complain against her husband. She loves life and people and can easily create a personal world and she is happy with it. Though Lady Lal appears not an impressive but a lovable character.

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Sketch the character of Sir Mohan Lal and Lachmi from the story KARMA New!

Q. NO. – 2:-  Justify the title of the short story ‘Karma'.

Ans:-  Karma, is the Hindu theological idea. It means destiny. It is the doctrine that one's present actions continue to have effects in another incarnation. In this story, Sir Mohan Lal had a prejudice veiw and attitude towards anything Indians and an obsession with the British people and culture. His display of The Times, the Balliol tie which symbolized his artificiality of character, spelt his doom. Two English soldiers threw him out of the first class compartment and they called him a vile black Indians. Thus, because of his ‘Karma’ – his false display of vanity, his indifference and hatred towards his own culture, his ill-treatment of his wife – he was made to see the ground reality at the end of the story. As the soldiers threw him out of the compartment, he suffers humiliation and thus, he receives the judgement of his false notion of life. He finally reached Christian realisation that mere imitation yielded no fruit. So, the title of the story is truly justified.

Q.NO. – 3:- Write a short character sketch of Sir Mohan Lal from his conversations with himself in front of the mirror.

Ans:- In the short story “Karma” Khushwant Singh has elaborately sketched the character of Sir Mohan Lal. At the beginning of the story, Mohan Lal is standing in front of of the first class waiting room and he is looking at himself in the mirror. He thinks he looks attractive. But the mirror is worn-out and partly broken and the red oxide at its back has came off at several places. To Mohan Lal, the mirror is the right example to narrate the misery of his country-folk. Then he smiles at the mirror. His smiles at with an pity and patronage proves his arrogance. According to him, he has spent five years in London and has acquired the manners and attitudes of the English upper class. He too lacks human sentiment and feeling. When he is inside the waiting-room, his wife sits upon the trunk outside. But he has no qualms of conscience for his wife. It discloses his hypocrisy. It also shows that he is snobbish and proud.

Q.NO. -4:- “You are a bit of all right, old chap,” – Who is the speaker? Who has been referred to as ‘old chap’? Why has he been termed ‘a bit off all right’? What does the line reveal?

Ans:- •• The speaker is the mirror of the first class waiting room.

•• Sir Mohan Lal has been referred to as ‘old chap’.

•• Sir Mohan Lal looks himself in the mirror at the waiting room. He appears distinguished, efficient, handsome. His moustache is neatly trimmed and he wears a suit from Saville Row with a carnation in buttonhole. He uses an expensive perfume and fragrant talcum powder and soap. He likes to imitate British manners in every sphere of his life. This attire makes him appear ‘a bit of all right’ with the concept of an English gentleman.

 •• This line reveals Sir Mohan Lal’s attitude towards the average Indian people and his futile attempt of becoming an English gentleman. It also shows that he is snobbish and proud. 

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