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Showing posts from December, 2021

5 best Moral Stories for Class - V to Class - X with Morals

No. - 1 THE THIRSTY CROW AND THE PITCHER On a hot summer day, a crow became very thirsty. It flew about in search of water but found no water anywhere. Finally, it saw a pitcher and flew down to drink water. But the water was lying low at the bottom of the pitcher. It tried again and again to reach the water but all in vain. The crow became disheartened. But after thinking a lot an idea flashed into its mind. The crow saw some little pebbles near the pitcher. It then dropped them into the pitcher one by one. After some time the crow found that the water level had risen enough to drink from it. The crow drank to its heart’s content and flew away. Moral : Where there is will, there is a way. No. -2  THE FARMER AND HIS SONS An old farmer had three sons. They often quarrelled among themselves. So, the farmer had no peace of mind. Then he hit upon a plan. One day he bought a bundle of sticks and said to his sons, “My sons, let me see who amongst you is able to break this bundle all by himse

Story Writing/ The Farmer and his Goose With Moral

➣➣   Study the following points and develop them into a story. Suggest a title and adda moral. [ Outlines  : A farmer had goose that laid a golden egg everyday — farmer became rich — he and his wife wanted to be rich quickly — they cut open the goose — got no eggs — lose all fortune ] ★★★ A FARMER AND HIS GOOSE Once upon a time, a poor farmer lived with his wife in a small village. Once he bought a goose from the market in the hope of eating eggs. So he made a beautiful cage and put the goose inside it. Fortunately, the goose that the farmer brought home was no ordinary goose, because the goose laid one golden egg every day instead of the usual. The farmer became rich by selling golden eggs. But as the days went by the greed of the foolish farmer grew more and more. He wanted more than one egg at a time. So he hit upon a plan. One day the foolish farmer said to his wife, "If we kill the goose, we will get all the eggs in his stomach together and we will become the richest man in t

What is Precis Writing? best methods

Precis Writing What is a Precis? Precis is a French word which mean an abstract. Precis writing is therefore an art of summary writing. It is a precise artifice possessed by one and can be acquired by constant exercise. A precis can also be defined as a gist or a compressed from of a long passage that contains the main theme expressed in a few words lucidly, succinctly and fully. Anyone can bold the main point and common effect reflected in it.  Some writers may intricate precis writing with paraphrasing. A substance in detail form is a paraphrase. So we should not write a paraphrase in place of a precis. A paraphrase may be longer than the original passage whereas a precis in much shorten than the passage and it is the essential quality of a precis. So making a precis is a method to shorten a passage containing the main theme. A precis excludes all unimportant details and traces only the fundamental idea exposing in the passage. A precis writer should be empowered with a particular st

Write a letter to your father, seeking permission to join an educational tour organised by your school

Write a letter to your father, seeking permission to join an educational tour organised by your school. Sample — 1 ABC Public School New Town Kolkata – 700084 14th April 2021 My dear father It has been a long time since I wrote to you. My final examinations are over and you will be glad to know that  I have done well.  Our school is organising an educational tour to  Mumbai during the    school vacation. Mr. S. Das , our  english teacher, will accompany us on this tour. It is a fifteen days tour and we plan to visit Mathura, Agra, Gwalior en route. In Mumbai, we plan to stay seven days, and we intend visiting Elephant Caves, Gateway of India and the famous Essel World. We also propose to visit Shirdi and Pune. The school shall bear all expanses for lodging. We shall have to pay only for the fare and  food. Dady, it is a great opportunity for me to go sightseeing and I would not like to miss it. I sincerely hope you will allow me to join the party. Yours affectionately Piush Sample —2 X

Jimmy Valentine | O. Henry | Questions with Answers

A Brief Discussion About the Story: Jimmy Valentine is an interesting short-story of O. Henry. The main character of the story is Jimmy Valentine. The whole story revolves round Jimmy. He is a top class burglar. He loots banks, leaving no clue. The police suspect him but hardly arrest him. A noted detective can spot him out. But Jimmy is not at all bad at heart. After a big bank burglary Jimmy changes his address. He comes to settle in Elmore. Here he suddenly changes for the better.  It is all for Annabel Lee, a banker’s daughter. Jimmy falls in love with her. Jimmy the burglar is transformed into Mr. Ralph D. Spencer, the businessman. Jimmy opens a shoe-shore in Elmore and soon his business thrives. Jimmy and Anabel are engaged. So far there is no twist in the story.  But an accident takes place. Annabel’s cousin gets locked in a vault in her father’s bank. None can open the lock. It is a new vault. The system of unlocking the vault is not known. Obviously, all are panicky. The situa

Descriptive type questions with answers from Strong Roots written by Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam

Strong Roots Question Answers Question  : What had remained the routine for Abdul Kalam’s father even was in his late sixties ? What does Abdul Kalam say about the emulation of his father ? Answer  : Kalam’s father led a very disciplined and simple life. Kalam’s father started his day at 4 am by reading the namaz before dawn. After reading the namaz, he used to walk down to their small coconut grove which was about four miles away from their home. From there he would return with  a dozen of coconuts tied together thrown over his shoulder. Then he would have his breakfast.  This had been Kalam’s father routine in his late sixties. In the evening, he went to the mosque. He also spent his time discussing spiritual matters with his best friend Pakshi Lakshmana Sastry, the high priest of the Rameswaram temple. Abdul Kalam, throughout his life, tried to emulate his father in his own world of science and technology. He had endeavoured to understand the fundamental truths revealed to him by hi

Short questions with answers from the poem “Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?” | William Shakespeare

Short Questions with Answers | Shall I compare thee to a summer's day Q. 1:- Who wrote the poem ‘Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?’ Ans:- William Shakespeare wrote the poem ‘Shall I compare thee to a summer's day’. Q. 2:- What does Shakespeare compare his friend to ? Ans:- Shakespeare compares his friend to a summer’s day. Q. 4:- What is the structure of a Shakespearean sonnet? Ans:- The structure of a Shakespearean Sonnet is, it has three quatrains and a couplet. Q. 5:- What demerits does the summer season have ? Ans:- The summer season is less lovely than the beauty of poet’s friend. Rough winds blow during this season and the time of summer is too short to nature’s changing course and therefore it’s beauty fades. Q. 6:- How many lines do each stanza of a Shakespearean sonnet have? Ans:- The first quatrains of a Shakespearean sonnet have four lines each and last concluding couplet had two lines. Q. 7:- What are the last two lines of a Shakespearean sonnet call