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Textual Grammar from Three Questions

✷✷ Textual Grammar from — Three Questions: Class - XII | WBCHSE ➣➣Voice Changes: 1. The man would have attacked you. Ans: You would have been attacked by the man. 2. The hermit lived in a wood which he never quitted. Ans: The hermit lived in a wood which was never quitted by him. 3.You have already been answered. Ans: Someone has already answered you. 4. They all answered his questions differently. Ans: His questions were answered differently by all of them. 5. You do not know me. Ans: I am not known to you. 6. The Tsar gave the reward to none. Ans: None was given the reward by the Tsar. 7. The Tsar did not give him the spade. Ans: He was not given the spade by the Tsar. 8. The hermit listened to the Tsar but answered nothing. Ans: The Tsar was listened to by the hermit but was answered nothing. 9. The Tsar approached him. Ans: He was approached by the Tsar. 10. The man held his hands pressed against his stomach. Ans: His hands were held pressed against his stomach by the man. ➣➣Nar

Textual Grammar from Jimmy Valentine, Voice & Narration Changes

✪ All important Textual Grammar | Voice Changes | Narration Changes | Jimmy Valentine | Class - XI ➣➣ Voice Changes: 1. Jimmy Valentine was assiduously stitching uppers. [Change the Voice] Ans: Uppers were being assiduously stitched by Jimmy Valentine. 2. Unlock him at seven in the morning. [Change the Voice] Ans: Let him be unlocked at seven in the morning. 3. Stop cracking safes and live straight. [Change the Voice] Ans: Let cracking safes be stopped and live straight. 4. The clerk handed him a railroad ticket and the five-dollar bill. [Change the Voice] Ans: He was handed a railroad ticket and the five-dollar bill by the clerk. 5. Take him back, Cronin.[Change the Voice] Ans: Let him be taken back, Cronin. 6. He never touched “hard” drinks. [Change the Voice] Ans: “Hard” drinks were never touched by him. 7. Ben Price knew Jimmy’s habits. [Change the Voice] Ans:  Jimmy’s habits were known to Ben Price. 8. Jimmy collared a boy loafing on the steps of the bank. [Change the Voice

Textual Grammar from Karma for class-XI

All Important Textual Grammar from Karma for class - XI ★★★ ➣➣ Voice Changes:  1. The arrival of the train did not disturb Sir Mohan Lal’s sang-froid. [Change the Voice] Ans: Sir Mohan Lal’s sang-froid was not disturbed with the arrival of the train. 2. Lady Lal opened the brass carrier. [Change the Voice] Ans: The brass carrier was opened by Lady Lal. 3. They picked up Sir Mohan’s suitcase. [Change the Voice] Ans: Sir Mohan’s suitcase was picked up by them. 4. The mirror smiled back at Sir Mohan. [Change the Voice] Ans:  5. He glanced at his watch. [Change the Voice] Ans: His watch was glanced at by himself. 6. She wore a dirty white sari with a red border. [Change the Voice] Ans: A dirty white sari with a red border was worn by the coolie. 7. You’ll find room in the Zenana. [Change the Voice] Ans: Room in the Zenana will be found by you  8. Jim struck Sir Mohan flat on the face. [Change the Voice] Ans: Sir Mohan was struck flat on the face by Jim. 9. The guard waved his gre

Othello, by William Shakespeare | Summary

➣➣Summary of OTHELLO , — by William Shakespeare: SUMMARY Brabantio was a wealthy Senator of Venice. He had a lovely gentle daughter named Desdemona . Many handsome young man of her ‘cline and complextion’ wanted to marry her but she ignored all of the because she prioritised human heart. It was Othello , a Moor whom she loved. Othello was a brave soldier. By his victory against the Turks, he had risen to the rank of a general in the army. He was honoured and trusted  by the state. When Othello used to came to their mason, he would tell Desdemona the story of his adventures in different lands. By listening to the fantastic stories of varied experiences of his life, the nobel lady fell in love with him. Othello too felt her charm, and they decided to marry secretly. The married did not remain secret for long. When Desdemona’s father knew all, he approached the Duke of Venice to take action against Othello who might have by means of witchcraft married Desdemona without his consent. At