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Showing posts from November, 2020

Short Questions with Answers from the poem Brotherhood

   Important short questions: Brotherhood  Q. 1:-  What does the word ‘Brotherhood’ suggest? Ans:-   The word ‘Brotherhood’ suggests that everything in the universe is organically related. Q. 2:-  Whom does the poet dedicate his poem, ‘Brotherhood’ ? Ans:-  The poet dedicates his poem, ‘Brotherhood’ to Claudius Ptolemy who was a Greek astronomer and mathematician from ancient Rome. Q. 3:-   What time of the day is mentioned in the poem, ‘Brotherhood’ ? Ans:-  Night time is mentioned in the poem, ‘Brotherhood’. Q. 4:-  What do ‘the star’ symbolize ? Ans:-   ‘The stars’ symbolizes the cosmic force that shape our life and control the human world. Q. 5:-  What is the full name of the poet of this poem ? Ans:-  The full name of the poet of this poem is Octavio Paz Lozano. Q. 6:-  What does the poet think about his life ? Ans:-  The poet thinks that his life is short and his destiny is pre-determined. Q. 7:-  In this poem there is a contrast between two things. What are they? Ans:-  The two

Justify the title of the story Karma

Karma: by — Khushwant Singh ➣➣Justify the title of the story Karma. Ans:      The name carries the identity of such a person or object. Literature is no exception. Because a literary work gets perfection only when its title is correct. Karma , is the Hindu theological idea. It means the result of a person's deeds and its after effects. Anyway, the story is about an anglophile named Sir Mohan Lal. An anglophile is a person who is an admirer of England and the English people. Mr Lal yearns to leave his Indian origin behind and intimates English as closely as possible. Sir Mohan Lal was educated at Oxford, spoke english fluently and followed British culture. He tried his best to shun off his identity of an Indian and tried to prove himself to be an Englishman. He regarded Indians as indifferent, inefficient and dirty. Even he did not like his own wife, as she was a native woman. At last, his pride and pretention spelt his doom. He was thrown out by two British soldiers and they said h

Short questions from “Three Questions

Three Questions | Leo Tolstoy Important short type questions with answers ➢➢ Answer the following questions: Q. 1: What did the Tsar proclaim throughout his kingdom ? Ans: The Tsar proclaimed throughout his kingdom that whoever could answer his three questions would receive a great reward. Q. 2: Why did the Tsar decide to consult the hermit ? Ans: Being dissatisfied with the answers of the learned men of his kingdom, the Tsar decided to consult a certain hermit because he was widely known for his wisdom. Q. 3: What did the Tsar see when he reached the hermit’s hut? Ans: When the Tsar reached the hermit’s hut, he saw the hermit digging the ground in front his hut and the Tsar also saw that the hermit was frail and weak, and each time he stuck his spade into the ground and turned a little earth, he also breathed heavily. Q. 4: What answer did the learned men give to the first question of the Tsar? Ans: To the first question of the Tsar, the learned men gave various answers, some sai

Short Questions from the story “Thank You Ma’am”

⦿⦿ All Important Short Questions from the story “Thank You Ma’am” written by Langston Hughes ***************** ➣➣ Answers the following questions, each in a complete sentence: Q. 1: What did the purse of the woman contain ? Ans:  The purse of the woman contained everything except hammer and nails. Q. 2: What was the name of the boy who tried to snatch the bag ? Ans:   Roger was the name of the boy who tried to snatch the bag. Q. 3: Why did Mrs. Jones want to wash Roger's face ? Ans:   Mrs Jones wanted to wash Roger’s face because his face was dirty. Q. 4: Why did sweat pop out on the boy’s face ? Ans:  While Roger was trying to snatch the purse of Mrs Jones, he was caught by her. She dragged him behind her and then threatened him that when she would get trough with him, he would remember her name. Hearing this, sweat popped out on the boy’s face. Q. 5: Where did Luella take the boy in ‘Thank You Ma’am’ ? Ans:  In ‘Thank You Ma’am’ Luella took the boy to her Kitchenetle- furnishe

Short questions with answers from Strong Roots written by A. P. J. Abdul Kalam

⦿⦿ All Important Short Questions with answers from “Strong Roots” | Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam Q. 1: Where is the ‘Strong Roots’ taken from ? Ans:  The extract  ‘Strong Roots’  is taken from A. P. J Abdul Kalam’s autobiography “Wings of Fire”. Q. 2:  Where did Kalam's father go for evening prayer ? Ans:  Kalam’s father went to a very old mosque in their locality for evening prayers. Q. 3: When did Kalam’s father get up from bed ? Ans:  At 4 a.m., Kalam’s father used to get up from bed. Q. 4: How does Kalam describe his appearance ? Ans:  Kalam describes his appearance as a short boy with undistinguished looks. Q. 5: When and how did Abdul Kalam’s father begin his day ? Ans:   Kalam’s father begun his day at 4 a.m. by reading the namaz before dawn. Q. 6: What type of childhood did Abdul Kalam have ? Ans:  Abdul Kalam had a very secure childhood both materially and emotionally. Q. 7: What did Abdul Kalam ask his father, when he was old enough to ask questions ? Ans: When Abdul Kal

Short questions from the poem The Poetry Of Earth

Hi! Students today I have discussed most important short question and answers from the poem “The Poetry of Earth” written by John Keats. I hope these short types questions will help all the students for their HS final examination. ⦿⦿ Most important short questions from the poem The Poetry of Earth | John Keats | WBCHSE ➣➣ Answer the following questions, each in a complete sentence: Q.- 1:- Who wrote the poem, ‘The Poetry of Earth’? Ans:- John Keats wrote the poem, ‘The Poetry of Earth’. Q.- 2:- “ The poetry of earth is never dead” – What does the word ‘poetry’ mean ? Ans:- In the poem ‘The Poetry of Earth’, the word ‘poetry’ means the natural music of the earth. Q.- 3:- When is the music of the Cricket heard? Ans:- The music of the cricket is heard onna lone winter evening. Q.- 4:- What does the Cricket's song seem to ‘one in drowsiness half lost’ ? Ans:-  The Cricket's song seems to be the song of the Grasshopper to the ‘one in drowsiness half lost’. Q.- 5:- How are the

Short questions with answers from On Killing a Tree

Hi! Students today I have discussed most important short question and answers from the poem “On Killing a Tree” written by Gieve Patel. I hope these short types questions will help all the students for their HS final examination. ⦿⦿ Short questions with answers from On Killing a Tree| Gieve Patel | WBCHSE ➢➢ Most important short type questions with answers: Q. – 1:- Who wrote the poem, “On Killing a Tree”? Ans:- Gieve Patel wrote the poem  “On Killing a Tree”. Q. – 2:- What type of poem is “On Killing a Tree”? Ans:- The poem, “On Killing a Tree” is an ironical free verse. Q. – 3:- How much time does it take to kill a tree? Ans:-  It takes much time to kill a tree. Q. – 4:- What are the basic needs of a tree? Ans:- The basic needs of a tree are sunlight, air and water. Q. – 5:- Where does the irony lie in the poem, ‘On killing a Tree' ? Ans:-  In  ‘On killing a Tree' , irony lies in the way the poet registers his protest against the killing of a tree by asking the killers t

My Best Friend| Paragraph Writting

Paragraph on My Best Friend for Class V to Class - X My Best Friend (10 sentences) 1. I have many friends. 2. Sumita is my best friend. 3. We study in the same school. 4. We share our tiffins and play together. 5. She sings very well. 6. She obeys her teachers. 7. She helps me in my studies. 8. Sumita leads a simple life 9. She always speaks the truth. 10. I like him very much. My Best Friend (80 words) I have many friends but my best friend is Laya. We study in the same class and in the same school. She is brilliant, gentle, caring and well-mannered girl. She always helps me in my studies and other needs. During the break, we share our tiffin. We live in the same locality. Every evening we play in the near by park. We often visit each other’s house. There we read story books and watch T.V. together. Everybody loves Laya for her kind and good nature.   MY BEST FRIEND (300 words) I have a number of good and close friends. Of them Rohit is  my best and bosom friend. T

Solution| The poem Fable| Ralph Waldo Emerson

Fable Ralph Waldo Emerson ☛ About the Poem ‘Fable’: Or, Substance of the poem ‘Fable’. Ralph Waldo Emerson’s poem 'Fable' is a moral poem. This poem teaches a lesson. In this poem, Ralph Waldo Emerson deals with a supposed quarrel between a mountain and a squirrel. The arguments of the mountain and the squirrel are very interesting. The mountain mocks at the squirrel by calling it a ‘little prig’. The squirrel in reply does not hesitate to point out that the mountain may be very large, but all sorts of things are important in Nature. As the squirrel is very small living being, it does not feel disgrace to occupy its place for existence because the squirrel thinks, each and everything in this world has a unique place and each has a different task to perform. As a squirrel can’t carry a forest on its back, a mountain can’t crack a nut as a squirrel. Thus every small thing living or non-living has an important role to perform to justify its existence in this world of Nature. The p