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Showing posts from August, 2023

The Thief and His Mother : Moral Story

Using the given outline develop a story. Add a moral and a title. Points: a small boy—once stole a pen and took it to his mother —she did not scold him—he again stole a book—his mother was indifferent—he continued like this—gradually became a thief— one day was caught in the act—was taken for public execution— mother crying—the thief wished to tell his mother something in her ear—bit off her ear—when rebuked he replied that if his mother punished him when he first stole, he would not have died a disgraceful death. THE THIEF AND HIS MOTHER Once, there was a small boy who lived with his mother. He was rather a naughty kid. One day he stole a pen from his classmate and took it home to his mother. His mother saw the pen but did not scold him for stealing. A few days later he again stole a book from another of his classmates and took it home. This time too, his mother did not take any action to rectify her son. The boy developed a habit of stealing. One day, he was caught stealing money fro

Open Text Book Evaluation: Lesson -6: Class -X: The Cat

Class - X: Open Tex Book Evaluation Q.1: Give the resons for the following statements: (a) The poet faced an unexpected situation in the store. Ans: The poet went to a store to buy something for him but there he saw a kitty and she was sleeping on a counter. This is the unexpected situation, the poet faced in the store. (b) The poet counted his lucky stars. Ans: The poet counted his lucky stars because the poet left of that store without buying anything and didn't get scratched by the cat lying on the counter. Q.2: What are the similarities between the cat in ‘The Cat in the Store' and that in ‘The Cat'. [Lesson -7] Ans : ‘The Cat’ is written by Andrew Barton Paterson. The story describes the life of a cat. The author seems to be fond of cat and potrays all the activity of cat in this story. 'The cat in the store' written by James sage. In this poem, the poet describes a kitty's behaviour who is lying in a store counter.  We find some similarities between the ca

Autobiography of An Old Temple

I don't know how I was born long ago. I have grown old. Still I recall some of the memories of my past life. Some of the workers in the village toiled hard to bring me up in the lap of nature. There is paddy field to the East, Ganges to the South and mango grove to the left of my side. Two senior members of the village—a banyan tree and a peepul tree—stood on both sides of me. I was brought up under the cool shade of their branches extending over my head. After a few days I became an attraction of all the pilgrims in and around the village. There was an idol of Lord Shiva at the shrine of my chamber. Many people used to visit the shrine, carrying Ganges water in two containers hung from a pole on their shoulder. I felt very proud as the followers of Lord Shiva came to me with their devotional offerings and prayed to the Lord particularly during the rainy season. At that time there was a fair around me. I was really glad to see the children coming with their parents to visit me. Whe

Summary of As You Like It

SUMMARY Many years ago there ruled Duke Frederick in a province of France. The province was also known as dukedom. Duke Frederick was an usurper. He was very shrewd by nature. He had taken the dukedom by force from his elder brother. So the old Duke fled to the forest of Arden. Jacques, Amiens and many other noble followers accompanied him. The life in the forest was full of hardships. Frequently blew over there cold wind followed by snow. Yet the banished old Duke was happy in the forest. The old Duke merrily said, "Sweet are the uses of adversity..." The tyranny in the court went beyond the limit. Gradually came over the forest a large number of people from the court. They could not like Duke Fredrick. They happily wished to stay with their beloved old Duke in the forest. But the old Duke's only daughter Rosalind stayed back in the palace. She was the companion of her cousin Celia. Celia too was the only daughter of Fredrick. Though the fathers were bitter ememies, the