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Showing posts from January, 2023

The Cat | Question Answer | Class -X

THE CAT Andrew Barton Paterson Question – Answer 1. What is the cat fond of? Ans: The cat is font of ease and cares little for anything but mice and milk. 2. How does the guest behave with the cat? Ans: Instead of giving the cat some food, the guest stoops down and strokes the cat. 3. What does the family think of the cat? Ans: The family thinks that the cat is sweet and intelligent. 4. What does the guest want to do the cat? Ans: The guest wants to kick the cat out of the window. 5. How does the cat look keenly from side to side and move noiselessly? Ans: The cat looks keenly from side to side and moves noiselessly because he has many enemies— dogs and small boys with stones. 6. How does the cat cross the fence? And: The cat springs to the top of the fence and drops lightly down to the other side. 7. What are the cats often blamed for? Ans: Cats are often blamed for being more fond of their home than of the people in it. 8. What will the cat do if allowed? Ans: If the cat is al

The Mischievous Shepherd | Story Writing

Write a story with the help of the points given below and add a suitable title: Shepherd tends sheep near a forest — raises false alarm of a wolf — villagers rush to his rescue — shepherd enjoys — one day wolf really comes — shepherd cries for help — nobody comes — wolf kills sheep. The Mischievous Shepherd A shepherd used to tend his sheep in a meadow by the forest. While trending his flock, time hung heavy on him One day he thought out a strange fun to remove the monotony. He cried out, “Wolf! Wolf! Help! Help!”  The farmers who were working in the nearby field, came running to save the boy. “Where is the wolf?” they asked. I have befooled you for fun,” said the shepherd, “There is no wolf, fools.” Saying this the shepherd brust into laughter and started clapping. The farmers were angry but the silently went back to their work. The shepherd repeated this trick for some days. Every day the farmers came leaving their work and went back cursing the shepherd. One day the wolf really came