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PROSE   LEELA'S FRIEND 1. How did Leela try to make Sidda write? What was the result? 3+2 2. “In any case, we could not have kept a criminal like him in the house.” — Who is the speaker? Who is the criminal referred to here? What led the speaker to such a comment? 1+1+3 3. “He looked at her mutely, like an animal.” — Who looked at whom? What was the situation when this occurred? 2+3 4. “Sidda had vanished into the night.” — Who noticed this? When did Sidda vanish into the night? Briefly explain the situation that compelled Sidda to vanish in the night. 1+1+3 5. How do Mr and Mrs Sivasankar react to Leela's missing chain? What did Leela's parents think of Sidda after his escape from the house? How does Leela herself react? What does this suggest about each of them? 1+1+1+2 6. “Don't send him away. Let us keep him in our house.” — Who was the speaker and to whom was it spoken? About whom was it said? How did the persons spoken to react? 1+1+1+2 7. “What risk we took ....”

Class VIII Revision Lesson Textual grammar

Revision Lesson Activity - 1 Underline the participle adjectives in the following sentences: (a) The painted house looks beautiful. (b) A barking dog seldom bites. (c) They submitted a written answer. (d) The tattered shirt was lying on the mud. (e) The creaking sound of the door awakened the baby. Activity - 2  Fill in the blanks with suitable articles and prepositions: Once a poor weaver lived in a village. He was well-known as an artist. His beautiful designs on   clothes were much appreciated. The weaver earned his livelihood by     working hard all day. Activity - 3 (a) Identify the adverbs in each set. Put a tick mark (✓) on the adverbs: (I) tall / sweetly / child / run Ans: sweetly (II) wait / walk / slowly / full Ans: slowly (III) happy / friendship / wise / quietly Ans: quietly (IV) tomorrow / evening / careful / look Ans: tomorrow (V) make / here / incident / quick Ans: here Activity - 3 (b) Classify the underlined adverbs according to their functions in the chart giv

Moral Science: The Fish Basket; Class -vi; chapter - 7

The Fish Basket (Accepting and Adapting to Change) I. Know your Lesson. 1. Why did the fisher woman want to take up the business of gardening? Ans: Due to the recent storm at the sea, her fishing business was not doing well. So, the fisher woman was thinking of taking up the business of gardening. 2. Why could the fisher woman not sleep peacefully in the gardener's room? Ans: There were some baskets of beautiful fragrant flowers were kept in the gardener's room. The fisher woman could not sleep because of the smell of those flowers. 3. What put the fisher woman to sound sleep? Ans: The fisherwoman fell asleep due to the smell of fish emanating from the basket that was placed next to the fisherman's nose. 4. Why did the fisher woman dropped the idea of gardening? Ans: The fisher women dropped the idea of gardening because she thought that she was so accustomed to the smell of fish that she could not adjust the fragrance of flowers. 5. Why do you think that the fisher woman

Textual grammar: Class - VIII ; Lesson - 13; The Man Who Planted Tress

Textual grammar Activity 8(b) Fill in the blanks with the Present Perfect Continuous tense of the given verbs: (i) The dog  has been barking (bark) since last night. (ii) The man has been reading ( read) the newspaper for two hours. (iii) The students have been preparing (prepare) themselves for the quiz competition for several months. (iv) Mother has been cooking (cook) dinner for all of us throughout the evening. Activity 8(c) Change the underlined verbs into the Past Perfect Continuous tense: (i) He said that he had tried go contact us over phone since 8 o'clock that day. Ans: He said that he had been trying to contact us over phone since 8 o'clock that day. (ii) For a long time they had planned to visit the caves of Ajanta and Ellora.  Ans: For a long time they had been planning to visit the caves of Ajanta and Ellora. (iii) The actor who had played the part of Netaji became ill after the show. Ans: The actor who had been playing the part of Netaji became ill after the