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Showing posts from October, 2023

The Blind Boy (Stop Complaining) Question answer Chapter 4: class - 6

Inspiring Souls A book of Moral Values and Life Skills  The Blind Boy : Class VI : Chapter - 4 I. Answer the following questions: 1. When the blind boy was begging in the morning, what was written on the signboard kept next to him? Ans: When the blind boy was begging in the morning, a signboard kept next to him and there was written on it, “I am blind, please help." 2. What change did the man make in the blind boy's signboard? Ans: The man took the signboard, turned around and he had written some new massage was “Today is a beautiful day and I cannot see it.” 3. What happened when the signboard with the new massage was kept near the blind boy and why did this change happen? Ans: When the signboard with the new massage was kept near the blind boy, the hat of the blind boy began to fill up. A lot more people were giving money to the blind boy. This change happened due to the second signboard which was told to the people that they were not blind and they were lucky enough to see

Textual grammar “The Proposal” class -XII

Voice Change: 1. You shouldn't forget all about your neighbours. Ans: All about your neighbours should not be forgotten by you. 2. Shan’t give him any. Ans: He will not be given any ( by me). 3. What more do I want? Ans: What more is wanted by me? 4. I can feel it in my shoulder. Ans: It can be felt in my shoulder. 5. Bring him back. Ans: Let him be brought back. 6. Let's change the subject. Ans: Let the subject be changed. 7. Have you measured it? Ans: Has it been measured by you? 8. How much hay have you stacked? Ans: How much hay has been stacked by you? 9. Now everybody knows that they are mine. Ans: Now it is known (to everybody) that they are mine. 10. I don't want anything of yours. Ans: Nothing of yours is wanted (by me).

Short question answer from the Shakespeare’s play Twelfth Night

Twelfth Night William Shakespeare Short questions with answers: 1. Who was Sebastian? Ans: Sebastian was a young gentleman of Messaline. 2. Who was Viola? Ans: Viola was the twin sister of Sebastian of Messaline. 3.  Who was Olivia? Ans: Olivia, a fair, virtuous maid, was the daughter of a count. 4. Who was the Duke of Illyria? Ans: Orsino was the duke of Illyria. 5. Where was Viola seperated from her brother? Ans: Viola was seperated from her brother during the wreckage of the ship on the coast of Illyria.