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Showing posts from December, 2022

TEST-3 Page 115 Class V The New Grammar Tree - ICSE Board

The New Grammar Tree | Class V | Page 115 A) Change the voice from active to passive or passive to active: 1. One day, a summer flood washed him out of the burrow. Ans: One day, he was washed out of the burrow by a summer flood. 2. Some man had stolen her bicycle. Ans: Her bicycle had been stolen (by some man). 3. The Rat recovered the boat. Ans: The boat was recovered by the Rat. 4. The teacher was astounded by the wisdom of the tiny girl. Ans: The wisdom of the tiny girl astounded the teacher. 5. Gopalan has told me the entire story. Ans: I have been told the entire story by Gopalan. Or, The entire story has been told to me by Gopalan. 6. The child may be bitten by the mongoose. Ans: The mongoose may bite the child. 7. They took her to the nearest village. Ans: She was taken to the nearest village by them. 8. The police asked him to write down what he had lost. Ans: The police asked him to write down what had been lost by him. 9. Nothing at all was said by him. Ans: He said nothing a

My Favourite Season Paragraph

MY FAVOURITE SEASON Nature has adorned Bengal with a garland of six seasons, each with beauties of its own. Bengal appears in different costumes in different seasons. Of course, the summer and the monsoon cover greater part of the year. The winter lasts for a short while. Winter follows Autumn, the king of seasons and precedes Spring,  the most pleasant season. It sets in from the end of November and lasts till February. As the climate of West Bengal is mainly tropical, we do not always see snowfall ever in the Darjeeling hills but it does not mean that winter in West Bengal is devoid of all charm. Winter is not severely felt in Bengali and it is not of long duration either. Winter is welcome in this tropical zone. It is the season of cold and snow. The cold dry north wind blows during the season and brings the temperature down. In the morning there is fog and mist. That is hardly any rainfall during the season. In winter the sunshine is very pleasant in the morning and in the afternoo