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Showing posts from November, 2022

Textual Activities : The Book of Nature Jawaharlal Nehru Class vii

Lesson - 1 Textual Activities Activity – 1 Underline the appropriate alternatives: (a) India is in fact a (big/ small /huge) part of the earth’s surface. (b) Once upon a time a the earth was too ( cold / dark/hot) for any living being to survive. (c) Fossils are (a type of wild animal/ one kind of hard rock/ the remains of old living beings) . Activity – 2 Answer the following questions in complete sentences: (a) What must we do to know about the tale of this world? Ans: We must know about all the countries and all the people who have inhabited it to know the tale of this world. (b) How old is our earth? Ans:  Our earth is million and million of years old. (c) Who roamed the earth before the arrival of human beings? Ans: Only animals roamed the earth before the arrival of human beings. Activity – 3 Fill in the blanks with suitable words from the text. The first letters of the words are given: (a) As a subject, history is quite interesting. (b) We have good relations with our nei

Short story Rajesh's True Love

Develop the following outline into a short story in about 150 to 200 words. Give your story a subtitle. Points: A little boy — birthday — received money from father as gift — went to buy toys — saw a beggar — pale and hungry — boy’s heart softened — gave all money to him — found new joy. RAJESH'S TRUE JOY It was great day for Rajesh. He was very happy since morning. It was his tenths birthday. His mother cooked his favourite food. His father brought a beautiful chocolate cake for him. His friends and relatives came with gifts. At 8 p.m. Rajesh wore a new dress and they gathered around the cake singing Happy Birthday. Father blessed Rajesh and gave him a five hundred rupee note as a birthday gift. Father told him to buy whatever he wanted.  The next morning, he went out to market to buy new toys. On the way Rajesh saw a beggar. The beggar looked pale and hungry. Rajesh was deeply moved to see the beggar. He stopped and asked, “ Why are you begging, uncle?” Tue beggar said, “I have f

Long question Nobel Lecture class XI

Question: Narrate the experience Mother Teresa had when there was great difficulty in getting sugar. Ans: Once Mother Teresa had a extraordinary experience in Calcutta. There was a great difficulty in getting sugar and Mother Teresa did not know how the word got around to the children. A little Hindu boy of four years heard this. He went to home and told his parents that he would not eat sugar for three days and give the sugar to Mother Teresa for her children. After three days his parents brought him to Mother’s home to offer the sugar. Mother Teresa never met them before. She was surprised to see that the little boy could hardly pronounce Mother’s name, but the little boy knew why he had come. He had come to share his love. This wonderful experience moved Mother Teresa.