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Showing posts from September, 2020

The Sick Rose| William Blake; All important short questions and answers ; class - XI |WBCHSE

** Important Short Questions (with Answers) from ‘The Sick Rose’. ** Answer the following questions in a single sentence each:- Q.1:   Who wrote the poem, ‘The Sick Rose’ ? Ans:  William Blake wrote the poem, ‘The Sick Rose’. Q.2:  What do you mean by ‘crimson joy’ in the poem ‘The Sick Rose’? Ans:  In the poem, ‘The Sick Rose’ the phrase ‘crimson joy’ means the repressed physical love of the rose which is destructive. Q.3:  Where has the worm taken shelter at night? Ans:  The worm has taken shelter in the bed of the rose. Q.4:  What makes the worm joyful? Or,  Why is the worm joyful? Ans:   The worm is joyful as it finds in the rose a resting place. Q.5:  Why is the poem ‘The Sick Rose’ allegorical ? Ans:  The poem is allegorical because it suggests the destruction of innocence by secret love. Q.6:  What does the ‘dark secret love’ of the worm do to the rose? Ans: The ‘dark secret love’ of the worm destroys the innocent life of the rose. Q.7:  Whom does the poet address in the p

Meeting at Night| Robert Browning, all important Short Question and Answers, class - XI

  Important Short Questions with Answers from ‘Meeting at Night’: ** Answer the following questions in a single sentence each:- Q.1:  Who is the speaker in the poem? Ans:  In the poem Meeting at Night, the speaker  is an unknown lover who wants to meet his ladylove secretly at night. Q.2:  Where is the speaker heading towards? Ans:  The speaker is heading towards the black land to meet his ladylove. Q.3:    When does the lover make his journey? Ans:    At night, the lover makes his journey. Q.4:   How does Browning describes the land as long and black? Ans:   In ‘Meeting at Night’  Browning describes the land as long and black. Q.5:  What does ‘slushy sand’ mean? Ans:  The phrase ‘Slushy sand’ means the soft and muddy sand. Q.6:  What makes the speaker stop his boat? Ans:  The speaker stops his boat at the bay as it reaches the slushy sand. Q.7:  What do the ‘ startled little waves’ do after being waken up from their sleep? Ans:  The ‘startled little waves’ leap up and from fie

Nobel Lecture Mother Teresa, All important short question and answer for class - XI| WBCHSE

Short questions with answers from Nobel Lecture — Mother Teresa Q.1:    Whom should we love to love God as advised by St John ? (XI - ’19) Ans:   As advised by St John, we should love our neighbours to love God. Q.2:    What is Mother Teresa’s point of view about drug addiction among young people ? (XI - ’16) Ans:  According to Mother Teresa, many boys and girls are in the West are given into drugs because there is no in the family to receive them and they are lonely. Q.3:   According to Mother Teresa who are very great people ? (XI - ’17)     Or, Who are referred to as ‘very great people’ by Mother Teresa? Ans:   According to Mother Teresa, the poor people are very great people. Q.4:   “l was hungry — I was naked — I was homeless — I was unwanted”-  Who said these words ? (XI - ’14) Ans:  Jesus said these words. Q.5:    What was the age of the boy who wanted to give Mother Teresa some sugar ? (XI - ’15) Ans:  The age of the boy who wanted to give Mother Teresa some sugar was o

Jimmy Valentine: All important short questions and answers 🔥class-XI, WBCHSE

Jimmy Valentine - by  O. Henry Short questions with answers: Q.1:  Who is the writer of the story ‘Jimmy Valentine’? Ans:  O. Henry is the writer of the story ‘Jimmy Valentine’. Q.2:  How long had Jimmy expected to serve in jail? Ans:   Jimmy had expected to serve in jail only for about three months.  Q.3:  How much was the price of Jimmy's box for burglar’s tool?  Ans:  Over nine hundred dollars was the price of Jimmy's box for burglar’s tool. Q.4:  Where did Jimmy Valentine work during the ten months of his imprisonment? (XI - ’19) Ans:  Jimmy Valentine worked at the prison shoe-shop during the ten months of his imprisonment. Q.5:  Why did the clerk give Jimmy Valentine a railroad ticket and a five dollar bill after his release from the prison? Ans:   After released from jail, the clerk gave Jimmy a railroad ticket and a five dollar bill because the law expected him to rehabilitate himself into good citizenship and prosperity. Q.6:    Why was Jimmy put into Jail? Ans:  J

Karma: All important questions and answers🔥 for class - XI|WBCHSE

 Hi! Everyone, today I am going to discuss with you some most important short questions and answers from ‘ Karma ’ . I hope it will help you for your (class -XI) final examination. Short type question - answer:   ** Answer the following questions in a single sentence each:  Q.1:  Where did Sir Mohan Lal wait before the train arrived? (XI - ’14) Ans: Sir Mohan Lal waited at the first - class waiting room before the train arrived. Q.2:   What did Sir Mohan have in the buttonhole of his shirt? (XI - ’17) Ans:   Sir Mohan Lal had the carnation – a reddish, sweet smelling pink flower in the buttonhole of his shirt.   Q.3: What did Sir Mohan Lal's mirror reveal? ( XI - ’16) Ans:  Sir Mohan Lal’s mirror revealed that he was distinguished, efficient and handsome. Q.4:   How was Sir Mohan's moustache? (XI - ’18) Ans:  Sir Mohan’s moustache was neatly trimmed. Q.5: What was Sir Mohan’s profession? (XI - ’19) Ans:   Sir Mohan was a vizier and barrister. Q.6:  Where did Lachmi sit

Leela's Friend: All important short questions and answer, for class - XI | WBENG

Leela's Friend Short questions with answers  Q. 1:  What was Sidda given for his service in the house of Mr. Sivasankar? Ans :  Sidda got two meals a day and four rupees a month for his service in the house of Mr Sivasankar. Q.2:  When did Leela hold class for Sidda? Ans:  At dusk Leela held a class for Sidda. Q.3:  How old was Leela? Ans :  Leela was five years old. Q.4:  "And that decided it" - What was decided and by whom? Ans:  Leela requested her father to keep Sidda in the house. So Leela's parents took the decision of engaging Sidda as a servant in their household. Q.5:  Why was Leela angry with her mother? Ans:   Leela was angry with her mother because her mother always abused and worried Sidda unnecessarily. Q.6:  Who brought in Sidda to Mr. Sivasankar's house? Ans:   A police inspector and a constable brought in Sidda to Mr Sivasankar's house. Q.NO. – 1:- “Don’t send him away. Let us keep him in our house.” – Who was the speaker and to whom was it